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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics
  • Organizing Category - 3.2.A: Chemistry
  • Grade Level - 3.2.3.A: GRADE 3
Standard - 3.2.3.A4

Use basic reactions to demonstrate observable changes in properties of matter (e.g., burning, cooking).

  • Assessment Anchor - S3.C.1 Structure, Properties, and Interaction of Matter and Energy
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.C.1.1 Describe the observable physical properties of matter.
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.1.1.1 Describe matter in terms of its observable properties (e.g., weight, mass, shape, size, color, texture, state).
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.1.1.2 Classify matter using observable physical properties (e.g., weight, mass, shape, size, color, texture, state).
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.1.1.3 Classify a substance as a solid, liquid, or gas.
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.1.1.4 Recognize and identify how water goes through phase changes (i.e., evaporation, condensation, freezing, and melting).
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.1.1.5 Describe how the properties of matter can be changed (e.g., heating, cooling, physical weathering).
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.C.2 Forms, Sources, Conversion, and Transfer of Energy
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.C.2.1 Recognize basic energy types and sources and how energy can be changed from one form to another.
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.2.1.1 Identify basic forms and sources of energy (e.g., Sun, heat, light, sound).
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.2.1.2 Identify simple transformations of energy (e.g., eating food to get energy, rubbing hands together to create heat).
      • Eligible Content - S3.C.2.1.3 Identify characteristics of sound (i.e., pitch, and loudness).
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