Translation Library
Translation Library
Translated documents may be used by schools to communicate with parents for various purposes as required by state and/or federal laws and policies. Translated documents include the most represented languages in Pennsylvania; additional languages may be added as demographics change.
The Department encourages educators to share any forms or notices that have been translated locally for inclusion in the Translation Library; note that only documents that have applicability for all LEAs will be considered. After review, they may be included in this collection.
NOTE: The US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights details schools’ Obligations to English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents; additionally, the Information for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Parents and Guardians and for Schools and School Districts that Communicate with Them answers common questions about the rights of parents and guardians who do not speak, listen, read, or write English proficiently because it is not their primary language.
Note: PDE cannot accommodate requests for additional languages. Additional languages are dictated by prevalence in the Commonwealth.