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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics
  • Organizing Category - 3.2.B: Physics
  • Grade Level - 3.2.7.B: GRADE 7
Standard - 3.2.7.B1

Describe how unbalanced forces acting on an object change its velocity.

Analyze how observations of displacement, velocity, and acceleration provide necessary and sufficient evidence for the existence of forces.

  • Assessment Anchor - S7.C.2 Forms, Sources, Conversion, and Transfer of Energy
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.C.2.1 Describe how energy flows through the living world.
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.2.1.1 Describe how energy is obtained and used by organisms throughout their lives.
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.2.1.2 Describe how energy is transferred and conserved in a closed system.
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.2.1.3 Describe energy transformations within an ecosystem.
  • Assessment Anchor - S7.C.3 Principles of Motion and Force
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.C.3.1 Explain the principles of force and motion.
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.3.1.1 Describe how unbalanced forces acting on an object change its velocity.
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.3.1.2 Describe forces acting on an object (e.g., friction, gravity, balanced verses unbalanced).
      • Eligible Content - S7.C.3.1.3 Explain the mechanical advantages of simple machines.
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