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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.1: Biological Sciences
  • Organizing Category - 3.1.C: Evolution
  • Grade Level - 3.1.7.C: GRADE 7
Standard - 3.1.7.C1

Describe how natural selection is an underlying factor in a population’s ability to adapt to changes.

  • Assessment Anchor - S7.B.2 Continuity of Life
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.B.2.1 Explain natural selection and its role in evolution.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.1.1 Explain how inherited traits (genes) and/or behaviors help organisms survive and reproduce in different environments.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.1.2 Describe how natural selection is an underlying factor in a population’s ability to adapt to change.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.1.3 Explain that adaptations within species (physical, behavioral, physiological) are developed over long periods of time.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.B.2.2 Explain how a set of genetic instructions determines inherited traits of organisms.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.2.1 Identify and explain differences between inherited and acquired traits.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.2.2 Recognize evidence that the gene is the basic unit of inheritance and explain the effect of dominant and recessive genes on inherited traits.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.2.3 Explain how mutations can alter a gene and are a source of new variations in a population.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.2.2.4 Describe how selective breeding or biotechnologies can change the genetic makeup of an organism (e.g., domesticated dogs, horses, cows; crops, hybrid plants; integrated pest management).
  • Assessment Anchor - S7.D.1 Earth Features and Processes that Change Earth and Its Resources
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.D.1.1 Describe Earth structures and processes that characterize different biomes on Earth.
      • Eligible Content - S7.D.1.1.1 Identify and describe soil characteristics (i.e., particle size, porosity, and permeability) of different biomes.
      • Eligible Content - S7.D.1.1.2 Explain how fossils are formed and how they can provide evidence about plants and animals that once lived on Earth.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.D.1.2 Describe characteristic features and significance of Earth’s water systems.
      • Eligible Content - S7.D.1.2.1 Compare the different water systems on Earth (e.g., wetland, watershed, ocean, river).
      • Eligible Content - S7.D.1.2.2 Compare biotic and abiotic features of freshwater and saltwater systems.
      • Eligible Content - S7.D.1.2.3 Describe the importance of water systems on the diversity and distribution of life on Earth.
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