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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.1: Biological Sciences
  • Organizing Category - 3.1.A: Organisms and Cells
  • Grade Level - 3.1.3.A: GRADE 3
Standard - 3.1.3.A5

Identify the structures in plants that are responsible for food production, support, water transport, reproduction, growth, and protection.

  • Assessment Anchor - S3.A.1 Reasoning and Analysis
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.A.1.1 Identify the applications of scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to possible solutions to problems.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.1.1.1 Distinguish between fact and opinion.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.1.1.2 Identify examples of common technological changes, past and present, in the community (e.g., energy production, transportation, communication, recycling).
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.A.2 Processes, Procedures, and Tools of Scientific Investigations
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.A.2.1 Apply skills necessary to conduct an experiment or design a solution to solve a problem.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.2.1.1 Generate questions about objects, organisms, or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.2.1.2 Make predictions based on observations.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.2.1.3 Identify the variables in a simple investigation.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.A.2.2 Identify appropriate instruments for a specific task.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.2.2.1 Identify appropriate tools or instruments for specific tasks, and describe the information they provide (i.e., measuring [length—ruler; mass— balance scale] and making observations [hand lenses—very small objects]).
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.A.3 Systems, Models, and Patterns
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.A.3.1 Identify systems as either natural or human-made.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.3.1.1 Classify systems as either human-made or natural (e.g., human-made systems [balancing systems, tops, wheel and axle systems, pencil sharpeners from manual to electric]; natural systems [plants, animals, water cycle, stream]).
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.3.1.2 Identify changes in natural or humanmade systems.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.A.3.2 Use models to illustrate simple concepts.
      • Eligible Content - S3.A.3.2.1 Identify what models represent (e.g., simple maps showing mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers; dioramas).
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.B.1 Structure and Function of Organisms
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.1.1 Identify and describe the similarities and differences of living things and their life processes.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.1.1.1 Identify and describe the functions of basic structures of animals and plants (e.g., animals [skeleton, heart, lungs]; plants [roots, stem, leaves]).
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.1.1.2 Classify living things based on their similarities and differences.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.1.1.3 Describe the basic needs of plants and animals and their dependence on light, food, air, water, and shelter.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.1.1.4 Describe how plants and animals go through life cycles.
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.B.2 Continuity of Life
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.2.1 Identify and describe characteristics of plants and animals that help with their survival.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.2.1.1 Identify adaptations of plants and animals that have helped them to survive.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.2.1.2 Identify and describe plant and animal characteristics that are necessary for survival.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.2.1.3 Identify characteristics for plant and animal survival in different environments (e.g., desert, forest, ocean).
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.2.2 Identify characteristics that are inherited.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.2.2.1 Identify physical characteristics (e.g., height, hair color, eye color) that could be passed on to offspring.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.2.2.2 Identify similar physical characteristics in parents and their offspring.
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.B.3 Ecological Behavior and Systems
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.3.1 Identify and describe living and nonliving things in an ecosystem and their interaction.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.3.1.1 Identify the living and nonliving components of an ecosystem (e.g., living [plants, animals]; nonliving [water, soil, air]).
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.3.1.2 Describe the interactions between living and nonliving components of an ecosystem (e.g., plants [water, sunlight]; animals [air, shelter]).
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.B.3.2 Describe changes in natural or human-made systems and the possible effects of those changes on the environment.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.3.2.1 Describe what happens to an animal when its habitat is changed.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.3.2.2 Describe how changes in the environment (e.g., fire, flood) can affect an ecosystem.
      • Eligible Content - S3.B.3.2.3 Describe how human interactions with the environment impact an ecosystem (e.g., road construction, pollution, urban development, dam building).
  • Assessment Anchor - S3.D.1 Earth Features and Processes That Change Earth and Its Resources
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.D.1.1 Describe various materials that make up Earth.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.1.1 Recognize that rock is composed of different kinds of minerals.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.1.2 Describe the composition of soil as weathered rock and decomposed organic material.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.D.1.2 Identify and describe the types of Earth’s natural resources.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.2.1 Describe why certain resources are renewable and other resources are nonrenewable.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.2.2 Identify and describe examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.2.3 Describe the ways living things benefit from the uses of water resources.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S3.D.1.3 Identify and describe the ways that cause Earth’s surface to be in a state of constant change.
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.3.1 Identify ways that cause Earth’s surface to be constantly changing (e.g., wind and water erosion, contraction and expansion of surfaces).
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.3.2 Distinguish between ways that tear down the surface of Earth and those that build up the surface (e.g., erosion, weathering, volcanic activity, earthquakes).
      • Eligible Content - S3.D.1.3.3 Distinguish between slow and rapid changes to Earth’s surface (i.e., rapid [earthquakes, volcanic activity]; slow [weathering, erosion]).
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