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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.1: Biological Sciences
  • Organizing Category - 3.1.B: Genetics
  • Grade Level - 3.1.7.B: GRADE 7
Standard - 3.1.7.B4

Describe how selective breeding and biotechnology can alter the genetic composition of organisms.

  • Assessment Anchor - S7.B.1 Structure and Function of Organisms
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.B.1.1 Describe and compare structural and functional similarities and differences that characterize diverse living things.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.1.1 Describe levels of biological organization from cell to organism.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.1.2 Describe how specific structures in living things (from cell to organism) help them function effectively in specific ways (e.g., chlorophyll in plant cells— photosynthesis; root hairs—increased surface area; beak structures in birds— food gathering; cacti spines—protection from predators).
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.1.3 Explain how characteristic similarities and differences (from cell to organism) are used to identify and/or categorize organisms.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S7.B.1.2 Compare methods of reproduction.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.2.1 Explain how cells arise from the division of a pre-existing cell.
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.2.2 Compare various basic sexual and asexual reproductive processes (e.g., budding, cuttings).
      • Eligible Content - S7.B.1.2.3 Explain why the life cycles of different organisms have varied lengths.
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