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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.4: Technology and Engineering Education
  • Organizing Category - 3.4.C: Technology and Engineering Design
  • Grade Level - 3.4.4.C: GRADE 4
Standard - 3.4.4.C3

Explain how asking questions and making observations help a person understand how things work and can be repaired.

  • Assessment Anchor - S4.A.2

    Processes, Procedures, and Tools of Scientific Investigations

    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.A.2.1 Apply skills necessary to conduct an experiment or design a solution to solve a problem.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.2.1.1 Generate questions about objects, organisms, or events that can be answered through scientific investigations.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.2.1.2 Design and describe an investigation (a fair test) to test one variable.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.2.1.3 Observe a natural phenomenon (e.g., weather changes, length of daylight/night, movement of shadows, animal migrations, growth of plants), record observations, and then make a prediction based on those observations.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.2.1.4 State a conclusion that is consistent with the information/data.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.A.2.2 Identify appropriate instruments for a specific task and describe the information the instrument can provide.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.2.2.1 Identify appropriate tools or instruments for specific tasks and describe the information they can provide (e.g., measuring: length - ruler, mass - balance scale, volume - beaker, temperature - thermometer; making observations: hand lens, binoculars, telescope).
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