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Subject Area - CC.2:
- Standard Area - CC.2.3: Geometry
- Grade Level - CC.2.3.HS: GRADE High School
Standard - CC.2.3.HS.A.3
Verify and apply geometric theorems as they relate to geometric figures.
- Standard Area - CC.2.3: Geometry
- Assessment Anchor - G.1.2:
Properties of Polygons and Polyhedra
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of triangles
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of quadrilaterals
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles.
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of regular polygons
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of pyramids and prisms.
- Assessment Anchor - G.1.3:
Congruence, Similarity, and Proofs
- Assessment Anchor - G.1.3:
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use properties of congruent and similar polygons or solids.
Eligible Content - G. Identify and/or use proportional relationships in similar figures.
Eligible Content - G. Write, analyze, complete, or identify formal proofs (e.g., direct and/or indirect proofs/proofs by contradiction).
- Assessment Anchor - G.2.2:
Measurements of Two-Dimensional Shapes and Figures
- Assessment Anchor - G.2.2:
Eligible Content - G. Use properties of angles formed by intersecting lines to find the measures of missing angles.
Eligible Content - G. Use properties of angles formed when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal to find the measures of missing angles.
Eligible Content - G. Estimate area, perimeter or circumference of an irregular figure.
Eligible Content - G. Find the measurement of a missing length given the perimeter, circumference, or area.
Eligible Content - G. Find the side lengths of a polygon with a given perimeter to maximize the area of the polygon.
Eligible Content - G. Develop and/or use strategies to estimate the area of a compound/composite figure.
Eligible Content - G. Find the area of a sector of a circle.
Eligible Content - G. Describe how a change in the linear dimension of a figure affects its perimeter, circumference, and area. (e.g., How does changing the length of the radius of a circle affect the circumference of the circle?).
Eligible Content - G. Use area models to find probabilities.