Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
- Standard Area - 3.4: Technology and Engineering Education
- Organizing Category - 3.4.D: Abilities for a Technological World
- Grade Level - 3.4.7.D: GRADE 7
Standard - 3.4.7.D3
Use data collected to analyze and interpret trends in order to identify the positive or negative effects of a technology.
Assessment Anchor - S7.A.1
Reasoning and Analysis
Anchor Descriptor - S7.A.1.3
Identify and analyze evidence that certain variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made systems.
Eligible Content - S7.A.1.3.2
Use evidence, observations, or explanations to make inferences about changes in systems over time (e.g., carrying capacity, succession, fossil evidence in the geologic time scale).