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Nutrition Analysis Tool 2.0

Web-based Content

Nutrition Analysis Tool 2.0

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Big Ideas
    Nutrition, eating habits and preparation choices impact overall health and wellness throughout the lifecycle at individual and societal level.
  • Concepts
    Diets can be modified to improve health conditions.
    Food choices maximize personal health and decrease disease and risk factors.
  • Competencies
    Conduct a nutritional analysis of dietary intake for a current health condition.
    Describe ways to support friends and family members who have specific dietary needs.
    Examine the relationship between health and diet across varied cultural and religious groups.
    Identify and explain which foods can be used to decrease risk of chronic disease.
    Identify diseases and disorders that are affected by diet.
    Suggest modifications to the diet for a specific health condition.


NAT is provided as a public service by the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department at the University of Illinois. The tool is intended to empower individuals to select a nutrient dense diet. The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) gives users a detailed analysis of the nutrient content of the foods they are eating based on age and gender. Users input their information, select foods to be analyzed, and receive feedback on their diet in order to help them make better, more informed nutrition choices.

Web-based Resource

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Content Provider

The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) was developed at the University of Illinois in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

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