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Informational Writing: Lesson 4 of 5

Lesson Plan

Informational Writing: Lesson 4 of 5

Grade Levels

4th Grade, 5th Grade

Course, Subject

Related Academic Standards





Mechanics of writing


Students will create 5 paragraph informational writing with the results of compiled research.

Students will :

1. Organize information collected during research into an original written work in the form of an informational essay.

2. Complete writing process by reviewing and organizing information, writing draft , revising and editing work, creating final copy.

3. Develop skills in listening and speaking by revising and editing work within the framework of peer revision and editing. 


Lesson Essential Question(s)

1.  How do we develop into effective writers?

2.  How do we use information gained through research to present and communicate knowledge?


Four 45 minute class periods


Computer Lab, Writing folders, pencils, paper

Sample of five paragraph informational writing- Emperor Penguins

Essay map graphic organizer,

Revision checklist Revision Checklist.doc

Editing checklist Editing_checklist_(3)[1].doc

Writing rubric _Informational_Writing_Rubric.doc

Suggested Instructional Strategies

W: Students will be advised that previous lessons on informational writing and research gathering will be applied to write a five paragraph informational report; they will be given an opportunity to create an authentic product based on the information gathered in the previous 3 lessons and experience the steps necessary in the writing process.  Students will submit their graphic organizers, revision/editing checklists and copy of final paragraph for teacher assessment.

H: Students will apply information gained in previous lessons to develop the role of "author".  Students will experience step by step construction of an original written work and experience the writing process first hand.

E:  Students will receive support throughout the lesson by completing a graphic organizer, submitting their work for peer revision and editing and receiving writing rubric and teacher approval prior to completing final written copy of informational report.  The teacher will be available throughout the writing process for guidance, consultation,as necessary.

R: Reflection, revision, rethinking is a natural component of the writing process.  Students will receive feedback from peer revisors/editors and revisit their work, making necessary corrections and improvements.

E:  The nature of the writing process requires self-evaluation of the work throughout.  As the student revises and edits work, he/she will engage in self-evaluation through the construction of an original informational report.

T:  Students will receive support throughout the writing process, as necessary, through teacher assistance and written reinforcements (ie. graphic organizers, editing/revision checklists, writing rubric).  Peer feedback and coaching will be offered during revision and editing of written work. One on one teacher conferences will be available if necessary.

O: Teacher will provide sample of informational writing, model completion of graphic organizer and then require students to plan and organize research information into Essay map. A review of previous lesson on revision and editing will be presented. Students will then provide peer feedback and be responsible for the revision/editing of their own work.

Instructional Procedures

 Engagement: Teacher will announce that students will now have an opportunity to become authors and create an original informational work by using the research gathered in the previous lesson. (See Lesson#3 Research) 

Teacher will display a sample of a 5 paragraph informational essay     on Smart board or projector screen, Emperor Penguins (  Teacher will point out parts of writing - discussing introduction, body (main idea and supporting ideas), conclusion. 

  Students will be advised that the compiled research information (completed in previous lesson, see Lesson #3) will be used to create a 5 paragraph informational report.  Review steps in writing process - brainstorming, choosing a topic, research, planning and organizing, writing, revising, editing, final copy.  Teacher will say, " You have all ready determined your writing topic and completed the research; we are ready to complete the remaining steps in the writing process. We will now plan and organize your research information so you will be ready to write a rough draft of your five paragraph report.  You will be amazed at how easy planning and organizing makes the writing process!"  Students will be advised assessment will be based on completed Essay map, completed revision/editing checklist and adherence to the Informational writing rubric on the final copy of informational report.  

Teacher will  pose the question, "How do we mold your information and create a paragraph that looks like the Penquin paragraph?" Teacher will visit ReadWriteThink website,', project website on Smartboard and model the completion of a sample Essay Map. Teacher will demonstrate the necessity and ease planning lends to writing (This map is also available to print if computers are not available.) Students will then complete Essay map organizer, using notes and research information.  Teacher will circulate among students to be available for questions, suggestions, assistance. 

  After completion of organizers, students will begin writing rough draft. (Students must print graphic organizer for submission). Teacher will remind students that spelling, grammar are not issues at this point, but to remember to skip lines on draft for future revision and editing.  Teacher will circulate among students, be available to offer suggestions, answer questions, monitor participation.  If students do not complete draft, completion will be assigned as homework.  

  Teacher will review  peer revision process. (Refer to lesson 2 practice). Teacher will distribute revision checklists (Revision Checklist.doc). Advise each draft must be read to or by at least two fellow students.   Peer revisors are required to initial checklist.  Teacher will request students to locate revision and editing information from writing folder. (Refer to lesson 2) Teacher and students will review information. Author's signature is required at bottom of checklists to insure authors have also checked work for revisions and editing changes. 

 Students will engage in peer revision; students will read/make revision suggestions for rough draft. 

  In order to avoid confusion and maintain activity focus, it is strongly recommended that student revision be done on a separate day or at the very least at a separate time period from editing.

 Once  revisions are complete, teacher will distribute editing checklist( Editing_checklist_(3)[1].doc). Students will be required to have two different students edit work. Editors and author will initial editing checklist  to verify final draft was checked by two peer editors. Teacher will hand-out writing rubric (Informational_Writing_Rubric.doc) and review all points necessary for a full credit essay. Students will create final product, pending teacher approval. 

 Students will submit Essay Map graphic organizer, revision/editing checklist and final product for teacher assessment. One on one teacher conferences will be conducted, if necessary, prior to final copy approval. 



Formative Assessment

Teacher will assess group participation, graphic organizers and be available to answer questions or make suggestions during the various stages of the writing process. Teacher will also collect revision/editing checklists and give final approval to final copy of work.  One on one conferences will be conducted on an "as needed" basis.

 Students will determine content, organization, and provide peer scaffolding through peer revision/editing.  Students will make corrections to work based on peer feedback .


Revision Checklist


_____ _____ My writing has a clear main idea and stays focused on the topic.


_____ _____ My writing uses details, examples, facts to explain my topic.


_____ _____ My writing is well organized and complete.  It has a beginning, middle, end.

_____ _____ My report is easy to understand; the information makes sense and follows a logical pattern.


_____ _____ My writing uses descriptive, interesting words.


_____ _____ My writing uses different kinds of sentences.  Each sentence is complete.


_____ _____ I have a paragraph for each new idea.


_____ _____ I make smooth transitions between paragraphs.



Editing Checklist 

Instructions: Use this sheet to check your writing. Correct any errors you find in order to answer “yes” to each question.  Then sign your initials in the peer editor box. Remember to check for one item at a time.







Does each sentence begin with a capital letter?






Are all proper nouns capitalized?






Does each sentence end with the correct punctuation mark?





Is each paragraph indented or does each new area of information have a separate heading?





Are verb tenses correct?  (Example: We will go next Tuesday.  Yesterday we went.)





Do the subject and verbs agree?  (Example: She is working.  They are working.)





Did you check the spelling of words you weren’t sure about?





Are all sentences complete?






Did you read the report out loud?  Reading out loud can help you focus and hear “clunkers” in the writing.





Did you read the work more than once?  You can’t be too careful with editing.






Informational Writing Rubric 







The writer presents information on a single topic with a clear understanding of the writing purpose and audience.

Substantial, relevant information is presented on topic.  Many well-chosen, supporting details help develop and explain the topic.  Specialized vocabulary is explained and used correctly.

All information helps to develop understanding of topic.  Paragraphs follow logical order with smooth transitions.

Sentence structure is complete and varied.  Few, if any, errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation and do not interfere with understanding of topic.  Tone is consistent.


The writer presents information on a single topic with a general understanding of the writing purpose and audience.

Adequate information is presented that explains topic with sufficient supporting details.  Specialized vocabulary is used correctly, but not fully explained.

Writing has logical order and does show transitions between paragraphs.  Information in writing helps to develop topic understanding.

Sentence structure is correct.  Few spelling, grammar, punctuation errors are present.  Errors do not interfere with passage meaning.  Tone is consistent.


The writer presents little information on a chosen topic and does not seem to have clear understanding of writing purpose or audience.

Writer presents little or vague information on topic.  Information is not supported with details and may be repetitive.

Writing lacks consistent, logical order; information in writing is minimal and fails to develop topic understanding.

Poor sentence structure (incomplete/ run on) is found in writing.  Grammar, spelling, punctuation errors are not corrected. 
Tone is inconsistent.


Writer has no clear topic or purpose in writing, shows little awareness of task or audience.

Writer presents little or no information on topic.  Information may be presented as list.  There seems to be no understanding of writing purpose.

Writing shows no logical order, offers no explanation of topic.

Sentence structure is weak.  Grammar, spelling, punctuation errors are not corrected.  Tone is inconsistent throughout writing.

Related Materials & Resources  "Essay Map." ReadWriteThink, an affiliate of Web. 5 Mar.2010.  Emperor Penguin." National Geographic Expeditions, an affiliate of Web.  23 Mar. 2010.

Revision checklist Revision Checklist.doc

Editing checklist Editing_checklist_(3)[1].doc  adapted from  "Conventions Self check List." ReadWriteThink, an affiliate of Web. 25 Mar.2010.


Writing rubric _Informational_Writing_Rubric.doc , adapted from "PSSA Conventions Scoring Guidelines/PSSA Informational Scoring Guidelines." Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)>>Resource Materials. Web. Oct. 2009. <>.


Date Published

March 15, 2010
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