Earth Science Digital Image Library - Mucrospirifer
Earth Science Digital Image Library - Mucrospirifer
Grade Levels
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 7th Grade
Course, Subject
Related Academic Standards
Geologic History
Brachiopods such as Mucrospirifer (geologic range – Middle to Upper Devonian) belong to the order called Spiriferida. The species Mucrosprifer mucronatus is utilized as an index fossil for the Devonian Period. Useful index fossils would have been abundant, with a wide geographic distribution, and a relatively short range through geologic time.
Author’s collection – brachiopod (Devonian Period, Ontario Canada).
With support from the Center for Applied Technologies in Education, The Earth Science Digital Library is an initiative authored by Russell Agostaro, Newburgh Enlarged City School District, Newburgh, New York.
The Earth Science Digital Image Library is an archive of quality digital images for teacher and/or student reference in their studies of Earth Science. For additional information about the image, please click on a link below: