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Getting to Know Vernal Pool organisms - Northern Leopard Frog

Digital Profile

Getting to Know Vernal Pool organisms - Northern Leopard Frog

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Science and Technology and Engineering Education, Environment and Ecology (Agriculture), Science

Organism Name

Photo by Solon Morse.
Common Name: Northern Leopard Frog
Scientific Name: Rana pipiens

Classification Information

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Ranidae
Genus: Rana
Species: Rana pipiens

Geographic Range and Habitat

Geographic Range: Leopard frogs are common in North America.

Habitat: Leopard frogs are found in the marshes, meadows, and ponds in the United States and Canada. They often stray far from water.

Physical Characteristics

Physical Description: Northern Leopard Frogs are medium-sized. Their background color is green, greenish-brown, or brown. Dark spots on dorsal surface are rounded rather than angular, often outlined in white or yellow, and are scattered in an irregular fashion on the back. Dorsolateral folds are present and unbroken.


Diet: As tadpoles and froglets leopard frogs are herbivorous, feeding mostly on algae and other plant matter in their habitat. As mature frogs, these organisms consume large numbers of insects.


Reproduction: Leopard frogs often stray far from water, but they must return to open water to breed. Male leopard frogs identify females by their distinctively plump physique. Males, which are usually smaller in size, use their specialized thumbs to clasp females during mating. Mating occurs in water while the female swims with the male attached to her back. Females stimulate ejaculation in the male by releasing their eggs.

The Northern Leopard frog is a Facultative Species and may be found in vernal pools, but can reproduce in other aquatic habitats where they are available.

Natural History

Natural History: Like most frogs, Leopard frogs often remain immobile for long periods of time. Their characteristic croaking is used to establish individual territories and attract females.


Vernal Pool Conservation

What you can do:

  • Resist the temptation to clean up in and around vernal pool habitats. Leave trees, bushes, and understory vegetation, as well as brush, logs, and dead trees.
  • Leave a buffer of natural vegetation around the pool for as great a distance as possible back from the edge of the pool's high-water mark. A buffer of at least 100 feet will help maintain water quality, but will do little to protect amphibians living around the pool. Vernal pool breeders require at least 300 yards of natural habitat around their pools in order to survive.
  • Do not fill in the pool, even when it is dry, by dumping leaves or other debris in it.
  • In areas with more than one pool, try to maintain travel corridors of natural vegetation between them. If some clearing is necessary, avoid drastic alterations that remove most of the trees and other cover. If habitat alterations are necessary, conduct these activities between November and March, when amphibians are less likely to be present. Activities done when the ground is frozen will cause much less damage to the soil than those conducted during warmer months.
  • Avoid activities that inadvertently alter the movement of surface water (hydrology) of the upland area that drains into the pool. Digging ditches and similar activities can change runoff into the pool, thereby altering its flooding cycle.
  • Do not dig into the bottom of the pool, even when it is dry, as this will disturb the non-permeable layer of soil that allows the pool to flood.
  • Work with local conservation commissions and other interested individuals to identify and document vernal pools in your area.

    *Adapted from the Audubon Society of New Hampshire and the Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

Did You Know?

Photo by Tom Lautzenheiser.

A vernal pool is a temporary or semi-permanent body of water, typically filled in the spring by snow melt and spring rain, and holding water for two or three months in the spring and summer.

Vernal pools form in contained basin depressions, meaning that while they may have an inlet, they have no permanent outlet forming a downstream connection to other aquatic systems. They are typically small, rarely exceeding 50 m in width, and are usually shallow. While most are filled with meltwater and spring rains, others may be filled during the fall or with a combination of seasonal surface runoff and intersection with seasonally high groundwater tables. Typical substrates are formed primarily of dense leaf litter. While most vernal pools are found in upland forest, several types have been identified, including floodplain basins, swamp pools and marsh pools.

Periodic drying is a key feature of the ecology of vernal pools. Drying precludes the establishment of permanent fish populations, which would otherwise act as predators on the eggs and larvae of species that live or breed in the pool. While a typical vernal pool is dry during at least part of the year, others may contain some water throughout the year (or for several years), but a combination of shallow water, summer heat, winter freezing, and periodic oxygen depletion prevent the establishment of fish populations.

Additional Information


Obligate Species: Species must live or breed in vernal pools.
Facultative Species: Species may be found in vernal pools, but can reproduce in other aquatic habitats where they are available.
Dorsolateral ridge: Lines or folds of skin (usually gold colored) along the upper sides of some frogs in the family Ranidae.
Intercalary cartilage: An extra piece of cartilage in the toes of members of the Hylidae (tree frog) family. It causes the end of the toes to have a “stepped-down” appearance.
Parotoid glands: Large skin glands that appear as swellings on each side of the back of the head of toads (family Bufonidae) and some salamanders.
Tympanum: This is the external ear drum visible on the side of the head of most frogs.

Portions Adapted From

Donegan, K. 1999. "Rana pipiens" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web
Accessed March 30, 2004 at


The Roger Tory Peterson Institute is a national, non-profit nature education organization with headquarters in Jamestown, New York, birthplace of world renowned artist and naturalist, Roger Tory Peterson (1908-1996). In collaboration with the Center for Applied Technologies in Education, the Roger Tory Peterson Institute has provided these animal profiles to offer a glimpse into the diversity of Vernal Pools in our region.

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