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Pennsylvania's Interactive Civil War Map

Web-based Resource

Pennsylvania's Interactive Civil War Map

Grade Levels

6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

Course, Subject

Geography, History
Related Academic Standards
  • Big Ideas
    The history of the Commonwealth continues to influence Pennsylvanians today, and has impacted the United States and the rest of the world.
    The history of the United States continues to influence its citizens, and has impacted the rest of the world.
  • Concepts
    Biography is a historical construct used to reveal positive and/or negative influences an individual can have on Pennsylvania’s society.
    Biography is a historical construct used to reveal positive and/or negative influences an individual can have on the United States society.
    Conflict and cooperation among social groups, organizations, and nation-states are critical to comprehending society in the Pennsylvania.
    Conflict and cooperation among social groups, organizations, and nation-states are critical to comprehending society in the Pennsylvania. Domestic instability, ethnic and racial relations, labor relation, immigration, and wars and revolutions are examples of social disagreement and collaboration.
    Human organizations work to socialize members and, even though there is a constancy of purpose, changes occur over time.
    Social entities clash over disagreement and assist each other when advantageous.
    State and local history can offer an individual judicious understanding about one’s self in the dimensions of time and space.
    State and local history can offer an individual, discerning judgment in public and personal life, supply examples for living, and thinking about one’s self in the dimensions of time and space.
    Textual evidence, material artifacts, the built environment, and historic sites are central to understanding the history of Pennsylvania.
    Textual evidence, material artifacts, the built environment, and historic sites are central to understanding United States history.
    United States history can offer an individual discerning judgment in public and personal life, supply examples for living, and thinking about one’s self in the dimensions of time and space.
    United States history can offer an individual judicious understanding about one’s self in the dimensions of time and space.
  • Competencies
    Analyze a primary source for accuracy and bias and connect it to a time and place in Pennsylvania.
    Analyze a primary source for accuracy and bias and connect it to a time and place in United States history.
    Construct a biography of a Pennsylvanian and generate conclusions regarding his/her qualities and limitations.
    Construct a biography of an American and generate conclusions regarding his/her qualities and limitations.
    Summarize how conflict and compromise in Pennsylvania history impact contemporary society.
    Synthesize a rationale for the study of individuals in Pennsylvania history.
    Synthesize a rationale for the study of individuals in United States history.


The Interactive Map provides students with a visual entre into understanding how the places and people of Pennsylvania impacted or were impacted by the Civil War.  The map can be used one of two ways:  to identify battle sites in the State or to place people involved in the Civil War in their hometowns.   When one clicks on a place, an essay is revealed with background, photographs and sometimes documents to give students primary and secondary source material on the subject.


The Interactive Map blends geography with history to help students in Pennsylvania better understand historical context for the Civil War.

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Content Provider or Additional Information

Civil War Pennsylvania 150 (CWPA 150) is a statewide partnership of history organizations created to develop programming and content for the sesquicentennial commemoration. It is led by a steering committee of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission/the Pennsylvania Heritage Society , the Senator John Heinz History Center (Pittsburgh) and The Historical Society of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) is a cornerstone of the Civil War sequential commemoration in Pennsylvania.  Beth Twiss Houting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania designed the Teacher Resources section of the website

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