Analyze decisions related to the use of technology, predict consequences and compare with the results of the designed system
Apply scientific and mathematical principles to an advanced engineering design problem then build and assess it.
Assess the origins and importance of specific technological inventions and innovations and predict future impacts of proposed technologies.
Debate current technological issues and opportunities using informed decision making in a democratic society.
Demonstrate, model and communicate how societies depend on technology to use information, physical and bio-related systems to create desirable solutions to human needs and wants.
Design a message, select a communication channel, produce and disseminate it and analyze its effectiveness.
Design, build, and test/evaluate a technological system to analyze its positive and negative consequences and impacts on individuals, societal institutions and our environment.
Design, produce and transmit a message through a technological channel then analyze the effectiveness in terms of the initial goals
Design, produce, test and analyze a technological solution that has desirable impacts on a culture that improves local, regional, or global economic conditions.
Design, produce, test and analyze systems that use technological resources for the purpose of improving on existing technologies to impact individual lives, societies, our world, and the environment.
Document progress through the engineering design process using a journal that synthesizes the process and results.
Employ engineering design and problem solving skills to solve complex technological challenges.
Evaluate the effectiveness of engineered solutions through written, spoken, mathematical, and graphical means.
Identify how specific technological inventions and innovations are constrained by the natural and legislative world in various societies.
Maintain an engineering design journal that documents the complementary roles of science and math concepts in the engineering design process.
Select and safely and effectively use appropriate tools, materials, and processes to design, engineer, communicate, test, and analyze messages to meet human needs and wants.
Select and safely and effectively use appropriate tools, materials, and processes to design, engineer, construct, test, and analyze structures that meet human needs and wants.
Select and safely and effectively use appropriate tools, materials, and processes to design, engineer, manufacture, test, and analyze products that meet human needs and wants.
Select and safely and effectively use appropriate tools, materials, and processes to design, engineer, test, and analyze bio-related products and systems to meet human needs and wants.
Select and safely and effectively use appropriate tools, materials, and processes to design, engineer, test, and analyze systems to transport people and products.
Through a structured engineering design process, select an existing product and design, build, and assess an improved version.
Transform ideas into technological products and/or systems using a focused engineering design process.
Use and maintain technological products and systems and describe their functions, advantages/disadvantages and hazards/benefits.
Use current technological systems efficiently, identify undesirable results, then design, produce, test and utilize engineering analysis to optimize solutions.
Use tools and machines safely and explain the common and particular hazards of specific technological devices.
Utilize a structured innovation process to create a new product, process or system.
Utilize computer-aided engineering design software to solve advanced, real-world technological problems.