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Brownian Motion

Web-based Content


Brownian Motion

Grade Levels

8th Grade

Course, Subject

  • Big Ideas
    A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
    Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
    Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
  • Concepts
    A technological world requires an understanding of how things are made and can be improved.
    Asking questions and making observations help a person understand how technology works and may be modified.
    Different modes of transportation move people from one place to another.
    Each structure is designed for a purpose.
    Ecosystems can be controlled by technology.
    Energy is produced in many forms and should not be wasted.
    Many processes and tools are used to make products.
    Safety is a major concern for all technological development and use.
    Technological design process involves problem solving and designing solutions to problems.
    Technology allows people to send messages to one another in a variety of ways.
    Technology is designed to have an impact on a living being’s health.
    Technology may have an effect and influence on society and the environment.
    The design process includes identifying and investigating a problem, generating ideas, developing objects, testing/evaluating, and sharing findings with others.
  • Competencies
    Communicate (i.e. written, oral or visual) an understanding of how something works after observing and asking questions of a problem.
    Demonstrate the ability to use a number of tools to make a product.
    Design and construct a mini-ecosystem (i.e. terrarium, aquarium etc.).
    Identify different ways a message can be conveyed to another person.
    Investigate and explain how things work and how they may be maintained.
    List and describe several alternative energy sources.
    List and describe the purpose of several different types of structures.
    List and provide example of the four modes of transportation.
    List several types of medical technologies and describe its purpose.


This activity uses a Brownian Motion model to provide an insight into the atomic nature of all matter.

What causes Brownian motion?

The above picture shows Brownian Motion on a Sphere.

Robert Brown observed that pieces of pollen grains suspended in water moved in random directions. Initially, people thought Brown had discovered the essence of life. However, after several other experiments, it was apparent that any tiny particles floating in water would move in this way, even microscopic pieces of dust which had no connection to a living organism.


Below is a virtual microscope which is focused on two tiny particles floating in water. The model will show the behavior that Brown observed and what is now known as Brownian Motion.

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