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Fossils and Geologic History

Lesson Plan

Fossils and Geologic History


In this lesson, students connect fossil succession (change in life over time) with geologic time. Students will:

  • differentiate between relative and absolute geologic age dating.

  • analyze the geologic time scale.

  • investigate the concept of fossil succession (change in life over time).

  • relate fossil succession to geologic time intervals, using a fossil succession chart and the geologic time scale.

  • apply the concepts of fossil succession and geologic time to determine relative ages of fossiliferous rock units, using an index fossil chart.

  • create hypothetical fossils and rock units to explain relative age dating of rock units through fossils.

Essential Questions


  • Absolute Age: Geologic age expressed in number of years from the present.

  • Fossil Succession: A principle that describes the specific order of fossils, from lower to higher, within geological strata.

  • Geologic Time Scale: A timeline of Earth’s history.

  • Geologic Column: An ideal sequence of rock layers that scientists use to compare rock formations to. A model to compare rock formations to.

  • Index Fossil: A fossil we know came from a specific geologic time period and so can be used to date the rock units that contain it.

  • Relative Age: Age expressed as older than, younger than, or same age as, instead of in number of years.

  • Superposition: Principle that states that younger rocks lie above older rocks. “Younger over older.”


90 minutes

Prerequisite Skills

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Related Unit and Lesson Plans

Related Materials & Resources

The possible inclusion of commercial websites below is not an implied endorsement of their products, which are not free, and are not required for this lesson plan.

  • Fossils, Rocks, and Time
  • Fossil Succession Chart
  • The Geologic Time Scale
  • Index Fossils

Formative Assessment

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    Each student must actively participate in the class/group discussions and activities in order to be successful. To assess student progress, provide feedback to the student, and address student needs, do the following:
    • Provide feedback to ensure student understanding through the group discussions and the relative age sequencing.

    • Collect group sequence reports for individual assessment.

Suggested Instructional Supports

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    Scaffolding, Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction

    Students connect fossil succession (change in life over time) with geologic time. Students then apply these concepts in using index fossils to sequence hypothetical rock units according to relative age.


    Students compare methods of measurement of geologic time and hypothesize how fossils can be used as tools to determine the relative ages of rocks that contain them.


    Students analyze and interpret a fossil succession chart and the geologic time scale, connecting changes in life to intervals of geologic time.


    Students apply the concepts of fossil succession and geologic time in sequencing hypothetical rock units that contain fossils known to have lived during particular geologic time intervals (index fossils).


    Students create a hypothetical index fossil chart and a set of hypothetical rock units that contain some of these fossils. Students then explain how to sequence the units by relative age, according to fossil content.


    Post warm-up question(s) on the board that focus on the content objective for the day. Students should speak and write in complete sentences during class in order to develop scientific academic language and clarify their reasoning. In small groups, give ample wait time for processing, provide sentence starters, give verbal and visual cues, accept verbal responses, and reduce written responses.


    In this lesson, students connect fossil succession (change in life over time) to geologic time and relative age dating of fossiliferous rock units. Students begin the lesson by discussing geologic time and the use of rock units and fossils by naturalists in the past to establish a geologic time scale. Students then investigate the current geologic time scale, constructing a framework for subsequent investigations. Students next integrate into the framework of geologic time, the concept of fossil succession (change in life over time) through the investigation of the three basic principles of fossil succession and analysis of a fossil succession chart. Students apply the concepts of geologic time and fossil succession to determine the relative ages of hypothetical rock units containing index fossils. Students then create their own hypothetical index fossils and hypothetical rock units, sequence the rock units by relative age, and explain how they determined this sequence.

Instructional Procedures

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    Today we’re going to use fossils and the geologic time scale as geologic tools to help us determine the ages of rock units.”

    Geologic time scale. “The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. So, when we consider Earth time, we are thinking in huge time measurement units millions and billions of years long. Naturalists before 1800 used relationships of rock layers (oldest to youngest, bottom to top) to create a relative time scale for the Earth.” Facilitate a short class discussion to differentiate between relative (older, younger, same age) and absolute (number of years) time, summarizing the information in graphic organizer form (Venn diagram, flow chart) on the board. In the 1900s, time measurement techniques based on the radioactive decay of atoms were developed. It was not until then that Earth scientists began to assign absolute ages to prehistoric geologic events. “Around 1800, naturalists began to use fossils in the rock layers to determine Earth’s time scale instead. How do you think these scientists used fossils to help figure out the age of rock units?” Facilitate a class discussion of student ideas, posting summaries on the board.

    Fossil Succession and the Geologic Time Scale. Distribute the Time Scale, Succession, and Fossil worksheet (S-7-2-3_Time Scale, Succession, and Fossil Worksheet and KEY.doc). “Scientists use three basic rules when constructing the geologic time scale from fossil evidence.

    • Rule 1: Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of organisms that were once alive.

    • Rule 2: Most fossils are the preserved remains or traces of extinct organisms.

    • Rule 3: Life on Earth has changed, so there are different fossils in rocks of different ages. So, if we find the same kinds of fossils in different rocks, the rocks are of the same age no matter where we find them in the world.”

    Allow students time to record their answers to question 1.

    Group students and pass out a copy of the geologic time scale with absolute age dates (S-7-2-3_Geologic Time Scale.doc) or use Allow group members a brief time to discuss the time scale among themselves. “What kind of information is represented in the time scale?”

    Facilitate a short discussion of questions 2 and 3 on the worksheet. For example, for question 2: “The geologic time scale is divided into long intervals of time called eons, which are in turn divided into shorter intervals of time called eras, which are in turn divided into even shorter intervals of time called periods. The time units are arranged from youngest at the top to oldest at the bottom of the scale.” For question 3, “The ages, in millions of years from the present, refer to the age of the boundaries between the periods. Note that these ages were determined using radioactive decay of atoms.” It is not necessary to analyze the time scale in great detail. Students just need to understand that it is a time measurement scale for Earth history.

    Now pass out the Fossil Succession chart (S-7-2-3_Fossil Succession Chart.doc) or use “What does the chart show us?” Facilitate a short class discussion about the general interpretation of the chart for question 4 on the worksheet: “The chart shows us change in life over time (fossil succession) correlated with the geologic periods noted on the left. As we go back in geologic time, through the fossil record, there was a time in Earth’s history when there were no humans, no birds, no mammals, and so on.”

    Using Fossils to Relatively Age-Date Rock Layers. Distribute the Index Fossil chart (S-7-2-3_Index Fossil Chart.doc) or use “Now let’s see how fossils can help us determine how old a rock unit is. For example, we’re studying a rock unit that contains fossils of the trilobite Bathyurus extans. During what geologic time period did this trilobite live?” The Ordovician Period. “So, how old would the rock unit that contains this fossil be?”Ordovician in age as well because it contains the fossils. Provide further practice using the chart until students understand how to use the chart.

    Using Fossils to Sequence Rock Layers by Relative Geologic Age. “How might we use fossils to help us sequence fossiliferous rock layers around the world according to relative geologic age?” The fossils can tell us if a rock unit is older, younger, or the same age as another rock unit. “Suppose we are studying widely separated fossiliferous rock layers and we want to put them in order of relative geologic age from oldest to youngest. Rock Unit A contains fossils of Nerinea trinodosa, Unit B contains Mucrospirifer mucronatus, Unit C contains Paradoxides pinus, and Unit D contains Prolecanites gurleyi. How would we arrange the units in order of relative geologic age from oldest to youngest?” Unit C, Unit B, Unit D, and Unit A. Model how to use the Index Fossil chart to order the units. Provide further practice if needed.

    Now complete question 5 on the worksheet. Be prepared to report to the class.” Facilitate a brief class discussion of the group findings.

    Students remain grouped. “Now create your own group hypothetical Index Fossil chart, each group member contributing two ‘fossils’ to the chart and a set of four hypothetical rock units that contain some of the fossils in the chart. Sequence and record the rock units by relative age, oldest to youngest, and explain how you determined this sequence.”


    • Students performing above and beyond the standards can investigate Phacops rana, the state fossil of Pennsylvania, and explain why it is a good index fossil. Students will provide a written report with the following information:

    • approximate age of the organism

    • description of Earth during that time

    • diet

    • habitat

    • importance of the fossil and how science has benefited from its discovery

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