Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
- Standard Area - 3.4: Technology and Engineering Education
- Organizing Category - 3.4.B: Technology and Society
- Grade Level - 3.4.8.B: GRADE 8
Standard - 3.4.8.B4
Explain how societal and cultural priorities and values are reflected in technological devices.
Assessment Anchor - S8.A.1
Reasoning and Analysis
Anchor Descriptor - S8.A.1.1
Explain, interpret, and apply scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge presented in a variety of formats (e.g., visuals, scenarios, graphs).
Eligible Content - S8.A.1.1.1
Distinguish between a scientific theory and an opinion, explaining how a theory is supported with evidence, or how new data/information may change existing theories and practices.