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- Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.1:
Basic Biological Principles
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.1.1:
Explain the characteristics common to all organisms.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.1.2:
Describe relationships between structure and function at biological levels of organization.
- Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.2:
The Chemical Basis for Life
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.1:
Describe how the unique properties of water support life on Earth.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.2:
Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at various levels of biochemical organization (i.e., atoms, molecules, and macromolecules).
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.3:
Explain how enzymes regulate biochemical reactions within a cell.
- Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.3:
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.3.1:
Identify and describe the cell structures involved in processing energy.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.3.2:
Identify and describe how energy is captured and transformed in organisms to drive their life processes.
- Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.4:
Homeostasis and Transport
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.4.1:
Identify and describe the cell structures involved in transport of materials into, out of and throughout a cell.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.4.2:
Explain mechanisms that permit organisms to maintain biological balance between their internal and external environments.
- Assessment Anchor - BIO.B.1:
Cell Growth and Reproduction
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.1.1:
Describe the three stages of the cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division, cytokinesis.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.1.2:
Explain how genetic information is inherited.
- Assessment Anchor - BIO.B.2:
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.1:
Compare and contrast Mendelian and non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.2:
Explain the process of protein synthesis (i.e., transcription, translation, and protein modification).
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.3:
Explain how genetic information is expressed.
- Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.4:
Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of genetics.