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Standard - 3.1.B.A5

Relate the structure of cell organelles to their function (energy capture and release, transport, waste removal, protein synthesis, movement, etc).

Explain the role of water in cell metabolism.

Explain how the cell membrane functions as a regulatory structure and protective barrier for the cell.

Describe transport mechanisms across the plasma membrane.

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  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.1:

    Basic Biological Principles

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.1.1:

    Explain the characteristics common to all organisms.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.1.2:

    Describe relationships between structure and function at biological levels of organization.

  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.2:

    The Chemical Basis for Life

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.1:

    Describe how the unique properties of water support life on Earth.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.2:

    Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at various levels of biochemical organization (i.e., atoms, molecules, and macromolecules).

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.2.3:

    Explain how enzymes regulate biochemical reactions within a cell.

  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.3:


  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.3.1:

    Identify and describe the cell structures involved in processing energy.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.3.2:

    Identify and describe how energy is captured and transformed in organisms to drive their life processes.

  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.A.4:

    Homeostasis and Transport

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.4.1:

    Identify and describe the cell structures involved in transport of materials into, out of and throughout a cell.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.A.4.2:

    Explain mechanisms that permit organisms to maintain biological balance between their internal and external environments.

  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.B.1:

    Cell Growth and Reproduction

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.1.1:

    Describe the three stages of the cell cycle: interphase, nuclear division, cytokinesis.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.1.2:

    Explain how genetic information is inherited.

  • Assessment Anchor - BIO.B.2:


  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.1:

    Compare and contrast Mendelian and non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.2:

    Explain the process of protein synthesis (i.e., transcription, translation, and protein modification).

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.3:

    Explain how genetic information is expressed.

  • Anchor Descriptor - BIO.B.2.4:

    Apply scientific thinking, processes, tools, and technologies in the study of genetics.

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