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Subject Area - 3:
Science and Technology and Engineering Education
  • Standard Area - 3.1: Biological Sciences
  • Organizing Category - 3.1.C: Evolution
  • Grade Level - 3.1.4.C: GRADE 4
Standard - 3.1.4.C1

Identify different characteristics of plants and animals that help some populations survive and reproduce in greater numbers.

Describe how environmental changes can cause extinction in plants and animals.

  • Assessment Anchor - S4.A.1

    Reasoning and Analysis

    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.A.1.1 Identify and explain the application of scientific, environmental, or technological knowledge to possible solutions to problems.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.1.1 Distinguish between a scientific fact and an opinion, providing clear explanations that connect observations and results (e.g., a scientific fact can be supported by making observations).
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.1.2 Identify and describe examples of common technological changes past to present in the community (e.g., energy production, transportation, communications, agriculture, packaging materials) that have either positive or negative impacts on society or the environment.
    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.A.1.3 Recognize and describe change in natural or human-made systems and the possible effects of those changes.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.3.1 Observe and record change by using time and measurement.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.3.2 Describe relative size, distance, or motion.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.3.3 Observe and describe the change to objects caused by temperature change or light.
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.3.4 Explain what happens to a living organism when its food supply, access to water, shelter, or space is changed (e.g., it might die, migrate, change behavior, eat something else).
      • Eligible Content - S4.A.1.3.5 Provide examples, predict, or describe how everyday human activities (e.g., solid waste production, food production and consumption, transportation, water consumption, energy production and use) may change the environment.
  • Assessment Anchor - S4.B.1

    Structure and Function of Organisms

    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.B.1.1 Identify and describe similarities and differences between living things and their life processes.
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.1.1.1 Identify life processes of living things (e.g., growth, digestion, respiration).
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.1.1.2 Compare similar functions of external characteristics of organisms (e.g., anatomical characteristics: appendages, type of covering, body segments).
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.1.1.3 Describe basic needs of plants and animals (e.g., air, water, food).
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.1.1.4 Describe how different parts of a living thing work together to provide what the organism needs (e.g., parts of plants: roots, stems, leaves).
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.1.1.5 Describe the life cycles of different organisms (e.g., moth, grasshopper, frog, seed-producing plant).
  • Assessment Anchor - S4.B.2

    Continuity of Life

    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.B.2.1 Identify and explain how adaptations help organisms to survive.
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.2.1.1 Identify characteristics for plant and animal survival in different environments (e.g., wetland, tundra, desert, prairie, deep ocean, forest).
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.2.1.2 Explain how specific adaptations can help a living organism survive (e.g., protective coloration, mimicry, leaf sizes and shapes, ability to catch or retain water).
    • Anchor Descriptor - S4.B.2.2 Identify that characteristics are inherited and, thus, offspring closely resemble their parents.
      • Eligible Content - S4.B.2.2.1 Identify physical characteristics (e.g., height, hair color, eye color, attached earlobes, ability to roll tongue) that appear in both parents and could be passed on to offspring.
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