Subject Area - CC.1:
English Language Arts
- Standard Area - CC.1.3: Reading Literature: Students read and respond to works of literature - with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.
- Grade Level - CC.1.3.7: GRADE 7
Standard - CC.1.3.7.F
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level reading and content, including interpretation of figurative, connotative meanings.
Anchor Descriptor - E07.A-C.2.1
Demonstrate understanding of craft and structure in literature.
Eligible Content - E07.A-C.2.1.3
Determine how the author uses the meaning of words or phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings, in a text; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.