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Algebra I - EC: A1.

Algebra I - EC: A1.

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance
Related Academic Standards / Eligible Content


  1. Round 0.45654 to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth.
  1. Catalina volunteered at her community center for about 3 hours and 45 minutes per week for all 52 weeks of the year. Estimate how many hours Catalina volunteered over the course of the year.
  1. Essence bought lunch for herself and 20 of her closest friends. The lunch total came to $167.50. Estimate how much money Essence spent per person on lunch.
  1. Stephanie was working hard to save some extra money for an early retirement. If she already had $143,982 saved in a bank account at 5.5% yearly interest rate, about how much could her money earn her throughout the course of the year?
  1. Mary was cleaning the kitchen floor. Her soap cost $0.11 per square yard to clean the floor. If the kitchen was yards by yards, estimate the cost per floor cleaning.
  1. A tree grows at a rate of about 2.85 inches per year. If the tree is already 15.5 inches tall, how tall will it be, to the nearest inch, in 29 years?
  1. Josh is a medical student who has to read many books. Currently he is reading a 641 page book about communicable diseases. If Josh reads approximately 15 pages per hour, how many hours will he spend reading this book?
  1. It is generally assumed that the average timeframe between generations is 25 years. If this is the case, how many complete generations have there been in the United States since the Declaration of Independence was signed?
  1. Tara is on a vacation in Europe where measurements are made using the International System of Measurements (SI). While in France, Tara spies a very nice pair of shoes, which are measured in centimeters. However, she doesn’t know which size to ask to try on. She knows her feet are about 9 inches. She also knows that there are about 2.54 cm in one inch. What size shoe, in centimeters, should Tara ask to try on?
  1. Some credit cards can charge up to 19% interest. Sam is a college student who incurred $2,500 dollars in credit card debt. How much money will Sam owe in interest on his $2,500 debt, if he is charged an interest rate of 19%?
  1. A person lives for about 525,600 minutes per year. If the average person is asleep for 8 hours per day, estimate the number of minutes the average person spends sleeping per year. Next, estimate the amount of minutes you spend sleeping per year. What is your sleep surplus or deficit?

  2. Bob can buy a 12oz. can of spaghetti sauce for $1.50 per can. On the other hand, he could buy a 16oz. can for $2.39 per can. What is the approximate price per ounce for each size can? Which can do you think Bob should buy?

  3. Alexis was 2 feet 10 inches tall when she was 2 years old. When Alexis turned 8 she was 4 feet 2 inches tall. At this rate, estimate how tall Alexis will be when she is 12 years old.
  1. Studies claim that the average teenager spends 547.5 hours per year texting, 182.5 hours talking on the phone, and 2737.5 hours per year using electronic devices. Estimate the amount of time you spend doing these three activities in a given year, by starting with how many hours you spend per day. Then, briefly describe if you think this is a positive or negative cultural trend.
  1. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, individuals whose highest level of education includes a high school diploma or equivalent earn, on average, $29,950 per year. Meanwhile, an individual who earns a bachelors degree from college earns, on average, $44,970 per year. Considering that the average person works for 42.5 years, how much more money will the average college graduate earn than the average person with a high school diploma.
  1. Create three estimation word problems (one easy, one medium and one challenging) based on real experiences from your life.
  1. On the earth currently there are about 7 billion people. Each person needs to drink about three quarters of a gallon of water, eat about 2,000 calories of food, and take about 7,500 steps per day. Accounting for all the people on earth, about how much food and water should be consumed and how many steps are taken in a given day?
  1. You and three friends are driving to the beach for vacation in two separate cars. The other car leaves two hours before you but they take the back roads, which have an average speed limit of 39 mph for the entire trip. On the other hand, your car travels on the highway at 62 mph for the entire 300-mile trip. If the total distance that each car travels is similar, which car will arrive at the beach first and how much longer will it take for the second car to arrive?

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. 0.5, 0.46, and 0.457
  1. 200 hours (exactly 195)
  1. Less than $8.00 per meal (exactly $7.98)
  1. $7,000 or $8,000 (exactly $7919.01)
  1. $3.60 (exactly $3.92)
  1. 105 inches (exactly 98.15 inches)
  1. 43 hours (exactly 42.73 hours)
  1. 10 generations (exactly 9.52)
  1. 22 or 23 cm (exactly 22.86 cm)
  1. $500 (exactly $475)
  1. Various answers (exact amount for person who sleeps 8 hours per day is 175,200 minutes of sleep)
  1. 12oz. can is 12 cents per ounce; 16oz. can is 15 cents per oz. buy the 12oz can.
  1. 5 feet 6 inches
  1. Various answers.
  1. $600,000 (exact answer $638,350)
  1. Various answers.
  1. 5,250,000,000 gallons of water, 14,000,000,000,000 calories of food, and 52,500,000,000,000 steps per day.
  1. Other car 7.5 hours, your car 5 hours. You arrive about 30 minutes before the other car.
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