Literature - EC: L.F.2.5.2
Literature - EC: L.F.2.5.2
Continuum of Activities
The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.
This continuum of activities offers:
- Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
- Questions/activities that grow in complexity
- Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance
Grade Levels
Course, Subject
English Language Arts, Literature
Related Academic Standards / Eligible Content
- Recall the definitions of rhyme scheme, stanza, enjambment, assonance and alliteration.
- Identify patterns in a poem: repeated, interesting or unfamiliar uses of words, images sounds, techniques or arrangement.
- Summarize the meaning of a poem: paraphrase what happens, clarify your understanding, discuss who is speaking and what is unclear.
- Interpret any changes that take place within the poem, specifically changes in tone, setting, focus, structure or especially, in a pattern.
- Draw a conclusion about connections between the meaning of the poem and structural patterns you see.
- Analyze how the poem uses a specific form or techniques to convey its meaning.
Answer Key/Rubric
- Students correctly recall the specific definitions of rhyme scheme (a pattern of repetition through sound), stanza (a unit of division), enjambment (a run-on line of poetry that carries into the next line), assonance (repeating vowel sounds) and alliteration (repeating consonant sounds). Students also recall that these techniques can be used to build and convey structure in a poem.
- Students identify any patterns of words, images, sounds, techniques or arrangement in a poem.
- Students can explain and summarize what happens in a poem, can identify sections or lines they do not yet understand, and who is speaking. Students also recall that poems have speakers, not narrators or characters, and these speakers are not the same as the poet.
- Students identify and explain the purpose of changes in the poem. Changes in tone, setting, focus, structure or in the patterns of a poem are meant to call attention to that moment for the purposes of emphasizing meaning.
- Students are able to draw connections to pattern and meaning. Students understand that and can explain how patterns emphasize and help to communicate a poem’s meaning.
- Students pinpoint a specific technique employed by the poem and analyze how this technique supports, illustrates, communicates or conveys meaning.
Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content.