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Literature - EC: L.F.2.5.1

Literature - EC: L.F.2.5.1

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels


Course, Subject

English Language Arts, Literature


  1. Recall the definition of satire and find examples of hyperbole, irony and satire in a text.

  2. Recall the definitions of and find examples of personification, simile, metaphor and imagery in a text.

  3. Summarize the purpose of satire in a specific text and explain how the use of irony and hyperbole support the author’s message within the satire.

  4. Explain how an author uses metaphoric language (personification, simile, metaphor, and imagery) in a text and interpret the comparisons the author creates by using this language.

  5. Draw a conclusion about how the use of flashback and foreshadowing move the action of plot forward, build suspense or engage the reader.

  6. Analyze an allegory for the symbolism it employs and the comparison it uses to teach a message or support a purpose.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Students recognize that hyperbole, irony and satire often appear together in satirical works and define satire as a type of text, usually comical, that highlights society’s flaws for the purposes of calling attention to them or to change them.

  2. Students recognize that metaphoric language (personification, simile, metaphor and imagery) often overlap in a text and are used to draw comparisons between ideas of things for the purposes of highlighting differences or similarities.

  3. When reading a work of satire, students first recognize that satire is being utilized, and then are able to explain what the message of that text is. Students are also able to explain how the piece uses irony and hyperbole to support the purpose of the piece.

  4. Students are able to explain and interpret the comparisons metaphoric language creates in texts. By explaining how an author draws attention to juxtaposing ideas or similar ideas, students explain how a reader may view the original idea or thing differently.

  5. Students describe and analyze how the use of in medias res, prolepsis, analepsis and foreshadowing creates tension, builds suspense, engages the reader, or moves plot forward in a text.

  6. Students summarize and analyze an allegorical text for its use of symbolism and draw conclusions about the purpose of the allegorical lesson.

Suggested Rubric:  This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content.

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