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Grade 04 Science - EC: S4.D.1.1.1

Grade 04 Science - EC: S4.D.1.1.1

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance


  1. List three examples of landforms.

  2. What is a sinkhole?

  3. What is a watershed?

  4. Name two mountain regions in Pennsylvania. 
  1. How are caves and sinkholes related?
  1. Summarize how mountains are formed?
  1. Tom said that Harrisburg is in the Ohio River watershed.  Do you agree with him?  Why or why not?
  1. The peninsula in Lake Erie is called Presque Isle.  Write a hypothesis about how you think this peninsula formed.  Explain why you think the peninsula formed this way.



Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Examples include, but are not limited to: mountains, valleys, caves, sinkholes, lakes, rivers

  2. A sinkhole is a hole in the ground caused by moving water.

  3. A watershed is an area of land that causes water to flow into different bodies of water.

  4. Allegheny and Appalachian mountains

  5. Acceptable responses may include, but are not limited to:
    • Sinkholes are underground caves created by water.
    • When a sinkhole becomes too large, the soil above it collapses.  Then the sinkhole has an opening on Earth’s surface like a cave.

  6. Acceptable responses may include, but are not limited to:
    • Earth’s tectonic plates are in constant motion.
    • Convergent plates move towards each other.
    • When two continental plates converge, they push land together, forming mountains.

  7. Acceptable responses may include, but are not limited to:
    • A watershed is an area of land that causes water to flow into different bodies of water.
    • Harrisburg is in the Susquehanna River watershed.
    • The Ohio River watershed is in western Pennsylvania.
  1. Acceptable responses may include, but are not limited to:
    • Floodwaters covered land then receded leaving large end of peninsula dry and creating bay.
    • Higher land was more difficult to erode leaving a narrow path to end of peninsula.  Lower land was eroded away which created the opening to bay.
    • Rock was more difficult than soil to erode leaving a narrow path to end of peninsula.  Soil was eroded away which created the opening to bay.
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