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Grade 07 ELA - EC: E07.C.1.1.4

Grade 07 ELA - EC: E07.C.1.1.4

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

7th Grade

Course, Subject

English Language Arts
Related Academic Standards / Eligible Content


  1. Define the features of formal style.  

  2. Recognize how writers use formal writing style in comparison to informal writing style.
  1. Determine instances when formal writing is necessary and when informal writing style is permitted.

  2. Distinguish tone from sentences that are written in a formal style in comparison to those written informally.
  1. Formulate sentences in informal language and then modify those to reflect a more formal writing style.

  2. Revise sentences written in informal language into formal language using higher level vocabulary and transitions as necessary.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Student defines formal style as using all the rules of Standard English including spelling and grammar as well as advanced vocabulary.  When writing in a formal style, students should recognize they are writing for the most eloquent reader. 

  2. Student will recognize how writers use formal style as a result of the editing process.  Examples can be found online.  Here is one site that discusses informal and formal writing:

  3. Student will identify situations when formal writing is required and when informal writing might be acceptable.  Student can brainstorm instances for each.  These lists can include school essays, test writing, text messaging, social media writing, and any other ways in which students write both in and out of school.

  4. Student will identify the tone of sentences written in formal style in comparison to those written informally.  Student can write informal sentences and then change it to a formal style and compare the tone of each.

  5. Student will create sentences written informally and that may reflect their out of school writing.  These examples can be text messages, social media writing, or common discussions with friends.  Then, students will demonstrate an awareness of when to switch their writing to a formal type and how that changes the meaning.

  6. Student will demonstrate an understanding of formal language by editing and revising sentences either they or their peers write.  Students should seek to use advanced vocabulary and transitions as necessary.  Students can share their sentences with the class.
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