Grade 07 ELA - EC: E07.B-K.1.1.1
Grade 07 ELA - EC: E07.B-K.1.1.1
Continuum of Activities
The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.
This continuum of activities offers:
- Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
- Questions/activities that grow in complexity
- Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance
Grade Levels
7th Grade
Course, Subject
English Language Arts
- Using any unfamiliar word in the text, define that word using context clues and textual evidence.
- Make a word web and put the unfamiliar word in the center bubble. Then draw one more bubble and in that bubble, list any synonyms you can think of for that word. Then, in one more bubble, list any antonyms you can think of for that word.
- Identify at least two key ideas in the text. Identify a line of textual evidence that supports the development for each of the key ideas.
- Using that same unfamiliar word from DOK 1, infer how the meaning of the passage would change if you used one of the synonyms or antonyms you used in DOK 1, #2.
- Choose a section of the text. Students should interpret why the information presented in that section was significant to the development of the text.
- Critique the author’s conclusions to the problems/situation presented in the text. Did the author use sound reasoning in reaching those conclusions? Cite textual evidence in support of your critique.
- In an informational text meant to persuade, students should differentiate between two possible solutions to the problem/situation presented in the text. What reasons does the author provide for each of the possible solutions?
Answer Key/Rubric
- Students will be able to accurately define the unfamiliar word as it is used in the context of the text. This definition need not be “dictionary perfect” but rather will demonstrate an understanding of the word as it is used in the text.
- Students will be able to list possible synonyms and antonyms for the unfamiliar word.
- Students are able to identify key ideas in the text and identify relevant pieces of textual evidence that develop those key ideas.
- Students will be able to identify how changing the word to both a synonym of the unfamiliar word and an antonym of the unfamiliar word changes the meaning of the text. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nuances of language.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of why information was presented in the text and how that information can help readers to understand on a literal level or begin to make inferences.
- Students will be able to critique the conclusion an author reaches in the text and will be able to discuss whether those reasons were reasonable. They will cite relevant, accurate textual evidence that demonstrates their understanding of how the author developed his argument and reached a conclusion. Answers will be based in relevant, accurate textual evidence.
- Students will identify two possible solutions to the problems/situations presented in the text and compare and contrast these solutions with relevant, accurate textual evidence.