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Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.B.2.1.3

Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.B.2.1.3

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

5th Grade

Course, Subject



  1. Read the following questions and answer based on background knowledge.

    1. What is it called when a species is no longer living? Examples include: dodo bird, woolly mammoth and saber tooth cat. 
    2. What reasons do you think these species are no longer living? List at least 3 reasons.

  2. Inherited traits are passed on from parent to offspring. Inherited traits are based on genetics or genes. In humans, some examples of these inherited traits are earlobe attachment, hair texture, handedness, and freckles.

TASK: If we know how inherited traits are observed in humans, briefly explain how inherited traits are observed in plants. How are the two kingdoms alike, and different? Is it possible for just 1 adult plant to reproduce?

  1. Fill in the blank for each statement about each animal class about their offspring process. When you have completed the blanks. Discuss with a partner which species you think has the most likely chance of survival based on reproduction process.
    1. Although mammals begin as an egg in the female, they are the only classed animals born ____________________________________.
    2. ______________________ is the class of animals who have a hard shelled egg that the offspring hatches out of when fully developed.
    3. An overarching species called invertebrates includes animals without a backbone. Some examples in this class are insects, crustaceans and spiders. They give birth by _________________________.
    4. This class, __________________, have soft, gel surrounding their eggs without any hard covering (i.e. frogs).
    5. The ____________________ class lay amniotic eggs- hard and leathery, laid on land or kept in their bodies until they hatch (i.e. turtles).
    6. Fish are the only class whose eggs must remain ____________________ before hatching.
  1. A unique trait many cell types have is the ability to reproduce asexually. When this occurs- in some animal species, plant species, and individual cells- the cell is an exact copy of the parent cell. What scientific predictions can you make about this reproduction process?

  2. A human behavior studied by psychologists is the “fight-or-flight response.” It has been described as ‘a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.’

TASK: Consider this human response and how it may be adapted to animal species. Come up with a scenario where this response may be observed.

  1. A characteristic of mammals is they give birth to a live organism(s). Most other class types lays eggs (i.e. birds, reptiles, etc.).

TASK: with your tablemates, brainstorm and record advantages and disadvantages mammals have as a result of this process.

  1. Most animal class types lay eggs as a method of reproduction. Each table will be given an animal class. With your tablemates, answer the following research questions to better understand how this animal behavior helps organisms survive and reproduce in different environments. Be ready to present your findings to the class.

    1. Describe the habitat where eggs are laid
    2. Describe the type of egg- size and texture
    3. Give a typical range of eggs laid
  1. The duck billed platypus, although classified as a mammal, lays eggs. It lives in freshwater environments off the East coast of Australia. Using appropriate websites or books, complete the following task.

TASK: Explain how adaptations allow the platypus to survive and reproduce in its environment. Your response should be 6-8 sentences.

  1. Within the animal kingdom, organisms are classified as vertebrates or invertebrates. Invertebrates have the following characteristic: an organism without a backbone. In the animal kingdom 98% are invertebrates. There are over 2 million invertebrate species.

Insects are an example of invertebrates. Scientists estimate there are 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects alive in the world.

TASK: From your knowledge of vertebrates such as mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians:

How have insects adapted to be so populated?

How have they survived and grown over the years?

Write a 3 paragraph response. (You may need to so do additional research to support your claims. You may want to investigate one specific specie).

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Human traits are passed from adult to offspring through genes, and the same for plants that reproduce sexually. A major difference is asexual reproduction when only 1 adult parent has the ability to reproduce.

  2. Students could predict: asexual reproduction could occur more often than sexual reproduction, there would be more offspring/a higher population, there could be less deformities because there are fewer genes being transferred.

    1. live
    2. bird
    3. Laying eggs
    4. amphibians
    5. reptile
    6. underwater
  1. Predictions may vary based on student, however some answers may include large population, few deformities, and faster population rates.

  2. Student responses will vary. Teacher will evaluate responses.

  3. Student responses will vary. Teacher will evaluate responses.

  4. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:

  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:

  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:

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