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Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.B.2.1.1

Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.B.2.1.1

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

5th Grade


  1. Below are some definitions of a mystery word. Read the definitions and see if you can decipher what word is being defined.  Circle the definition that you feel is the most scientific, and give an example in nature. 

I:   to receive (money, property, etc.) from someone when that person dies
II:  a: to have (a characteristic, disease, etc.) because of the genes that you get from your parents when you are born
      b: to get (a personal quality, interest, etc.) because of the influence or example of your parents or other relatives
III: a: to receive (something) from someone who had it previously
      b: to have to deal with (a situation, problem, etc.) when you take a job or position that someone else had before you

  1. Below are some definitions of a different mystery word. Read the definitions and see if you can decipher what word is being defined.  Give an example of this word in nature.  
  1. a: to get (something) : to come to own (something)
    b: to come to have (something)
  2. to gain (a new skill, ability, etc.) usually by your own effort
  1. In your own words describe how the offspring evolves into an adult. Be sure to include size and any additional changes that occur.
    1. male lion cub to adult lion
    2. egg (male or female) to adult butterfly
    3. Dalmatian puppy (male or female) to adult Dalmatian
    4. rhinoceros calf (male or female) to adult rhinoceros

  2. Some traits are acquired or gained; and some are inherited, or passed on from parents. Label each of the following as “acquired” or “inherited.”
    1. freckles _________________
    2. blue eyes _________________
    3. brown hair _________________
    4. manners _________________
    5. scar _________________
    6. cavity _________________
    7. skin tone _________________
  1. Read the following diary entry. It is from the viewpoint of an identical twin, who is feeling frustrated that her teacher cannot tell her apart from her sister. When you read circle the traits that are acquired, and star those that are inherited.

Dear Diary,

Ugh! I can’t believe that Mrs. Norris cannot tell me and Ashley apart! Ok, yes, we are identical twins, but we don’t look exactly alike. My hair is like 2 inches shorter than hers. I mean, it might be tricky because it’s the same color, but we don’t even like the same hair styles. But it is so frustrating because I work so hard to get good grades and Ashley is happy being a B- student.

Remember the other day Ashley and I just so happened to both wear a white shirt and jeans with our hair in a bun…that was so absurd! Even our friends had a hard time telling is apart. They said it was because we were the same height, and both girls. I won’t make that mistake again!


Talk to you later,



  1. Write a short creative writing piece (2-3 paragraphs) about a zebra who feel like she/he is not unique. What traits do they share with the rest of the zeal (name of a group of zebras), what traits make them unique because they are acquired?
  1. There are some animals who can be born lacking pigment. These animals are call albino. Research types of animals that can be born albino? Write a 6 sentence paragraph explaining how these animals have some traits that are acquired and some that are inherited.
  2. A plastic surgeon is a doctor trained to surgically change a person’s appearance for cosmetic or functional purposes. Explain in about 6-8 sentences how the patients’ traits transition from inherited to acquired.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Inherit; definition IIa; examples will vary

  2. Acquire; definition II; examples will vary

  3. Adult lion will have mane; butterfly egg turns to caterpillar, larva, pupa and then adult; Dalmatian puppies are born without spots; rhinoceros adults have horns, but are not born with them

  4. a. inherited, b. inherited, c. inherited, d. acquired, e. acquired, f. acquired, g. inherited

  5. Some acquired traits include: hair length, academic performance, fashion sense and choice
    Some inherited traits include: eye color, hair color, height, female anatomy
  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content

  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:
  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:

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