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Biology - EC: BIO.A.1.2.2

Biology - EC: BIO.A.1.2.2

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels


Course, Subject




  1. Put the following terms in order from smallest to largest: system, organ, tissue, organelle, cell

  2. Tissues are made of many subunits called what?
  1. A human uses the respiratory system to exchange gasses, what is used to exchange gasses in a plant cell?

  2. What cellular organelle has the same life function as the digestive system in a human? Explain your answer.

  3. Identify a system in the human body that performs the same function as an organelle in a cell. Be sure to name both a system and an organelle.
  1. Plant leaves have specialized tissues that prevent water loss. Identify and explain the functioning of one of these tissues.

  2. Describe the relationship between cells, tissues, and organs.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Organelle, cell, tissue, organ, system

  2. Cells
  1. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to:
  • Cell membrane
  • Organelle
  1. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to:
  • Lysosomes because they digest bacteria that invades the cell.
  1. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to:
  • Nervous system + nucleus
  • Respiratory system + cell membrane
  • Digestive system + lysosome
  1. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to:
  • Guard cells open and close to exchange gasses and to prevent water loss.
  • The Cuticle is a waxy layer to prevent water loss.
  1. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to:
  • Organs are made of tissues and tissues are composed of many cells.
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