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Grade 07 Mathematics - EC: M07.B-E.2.3.1

Grade 07 Mathematics - EC: M07.B-E.2.3.1

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

7th Grade

Course, Subject



  1. If you have 32 pieces of candy to share with 10 people each person will get about 3 pieces.  Is that answer reasonable?
  1. Lydia works at a job that she earns $12.00 per hour, after working for 8 hours she was paid $20.00.  Is that answer reasonable?
  1. The length of a rectangular backyard is 25 yards and the width is 13 yards.  You are having a fence installed and the company that is installing it said that you will need 38 yards to enclose your yard.  Does that answer seem reasonable?  Explain 
  1. You and a friend are shopping you found a coupon that allows you to save 25% off anything that you purchase.  Once you have picked out what you are buying, your bill is $145.89.  Your fiend says that you can divide your bill by 4 to estimate how much you will save?  Does that seem reasonable? Explain and find an estimate of the discount.
  1. While baking cookies you are reading the recipe and it calls for cup of sugar.  When you go to measure the sugar you realize that you are missing the measuring cup.  You ask a friend what to do and she suggests that you can a different size measuring cup.  You look and all you have is a measuring cup, and your friend says that will work.  Is that reasonable, explain your answer.
  1. Tessa has as much money as Penny.  If Penny has $120 dollars, Tessa has says that she has $70.  Does that seem reasonable, explain your answer.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Yes
  1. No
  1. No, reasons might include but are not limited to
  • The yards that they are using is not enough.
  • The company is only including the two side of the yard, when the yard has 4 sides that need to have the fence
  1. Yes, reasons might include but are not limited to,
  • The discount amount of 25% is equal to
  • Finding of any amount can be done by diving by 4
  • To estimate the discount you could round $145.89 to $144 because it can be divided by 4 evenly
  • $144 ÷ 4 = $36
  • The discount is approximately $36
  1. Yes, reasons might include but are not limited to,
  • The measurement that was given in thirds could be converted to sixths
  • solving for x will tell you how many sixths are equivalent to thirds
  •   This shows that you could use 4 of the measuring cups and it would be equal to of the sugar that is needed for the recipe.
  1. No, reasons might include but are not limited to,
  • Tessa’s estimate of the amount of money that she has is too high.
  • Penny has $120 dollars and half of that or 50% would be $60.
  • Her amount of money is more than $60, so over 50%
  • Tessa has = 0.40 = 40% of $120
  • She should have less than $60 to be closer to the 40% of the $120.
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