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Grade 05 Mathematics - EC: M05.D-M.1.1.1

Grade 05 Mathematics - EC: M05.D-M.1.1.1

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

5th Grade

Course, Subject



  1. True or false.  100 cm = 1 meter
  1. How many quarts are in one gallon?
  1. 1,000 milliliters is equal to 2 liters.  True or false.
  1. 1 kilometer = ________ meters.
  1. Covert 2 cups into pints.
  1. Kelly was making punch from a recipe she downloaded from the internet.  It called for 64 ounces of orange juice. She only has measuring cups to use to measure the orange juice.  How many cups does she need? 
  1. Terry converted 4 quarts and a cup to gallons.  Her answer is ________.
  1. How many feet are in a 1.7 miles?
  1. Tyne has 2 ½ days to complete his report.  How many minutes does he have?
  1. Cosmo is building a racetrack for his model cars.  He designed the track so there is ½ mile of wood for the cars to race on.  The boards to build the track come in 12 foot sections.  How many boards does he need?
    1. 22 boards
    2. 44 boards
    3. 220 boards
    4. 225 boards
  1. Karen converts 42 hours to weeks.  Her answer is .2 weeks.  Is her answer correct?
  1. Identify the steps you would use for converting fluid ounces to gallons.
  1. Is it possible to convert gallons into feet?  Why? Why not?
  1. How many grams are in .2 kilograms?
  1. Daryl is building a fence around his dog park.  He measures the distance around the park and gets 192 feet 11 inches.  The building store sells fencing in 8 foot sections.  How many sections does he need?
  1. When converting fluid ounces to gallons will the answer be a larger or smaller number than the original?  Explain why.
  1. When converting miles to feet, will the answer be a smaller or larger number than the original?  Explain why.
  1. Sophie is converting 176 fluid ounces into quarts.  Her work is listed below.  Identify the error she made and correct it.  Explain.
    176 oz.1 cup   x    1 pint    x   1 quart     =  22     = 11 quarts
                     8 oz.          2 cups        2 pints            2
  1. Show an example of incorrect work for the conversion of 264 inches into yards.  Identify the error and explain why.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. True

  2. Four

  3. False

  4. 1,000

  5. 1 pint
  1. 8 cups

  2. gallon

  3. 8,976

  4. 3,600

  5. C

  6. No

  7. Ounces to cups, cups to pints, pints to quarts, quarts to gallons (or other appropriate response)

  8. No.  Gallon is a liquid measure and feet measures length.

  9. 200 grams

  10. 25 sections
  1. You will get a smaller number.  Explanations will vary.  Since you will be starting with a smaller unit, fluid ounces, and going to a larger unit, gallons, the number will get smaller because you are multiplying by a fraction less than one.

  2. A larger number.  Explanations will vary.  Since you will start with a larger unit, miles, and converting to a smaller unit, feet, the number will get larger because you are multiplying by a number greater than one.

  3. Explanations will vary. Sophie crossed off the 2 cups without actually doing the division.  If the 2 cups was crossed off, the 22 should have been divided by 2 to get 11.  The answer should have been 11/ 2 or 5 ½ quarts.

  4. Examples will vary.  The conversions are set up correctly, but the error is when 3 is crossed off and 22 is not divided by 3.  Answer should be 22/3 or 7 1/3 yards.

264 in.1 foot   x    1 yard  =  11 yards
                12 in.          3 feet      

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