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Grade 08 ELA - EC: E08.D.1.1.11

Grade 08 ELA - EC: E08.D.1.1.11

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

8th Grade

Course, Subject

English Language Arts


  1. Match a subject and a verb in a sentence.

  2. Match a pronoun to its antecedent in a sentence.
  1. Identify examples of subject-verb agreement.

  2. Identify examples of pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  1. Construct original sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.

  2. Construct original sentences with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Student matches a subject and a verb in a sentence. The words matched by the student display an understanding that in a sentence a subject must agree in number and person with a verb. For example, “Nancy walks to work” matches a singular subject (Nancy) with a singular verb (walks). Additionally, “The sisters walk to school” matches a plural subject (sisters) with a plural verb (walk).

  2. Student matches a pronoun to its antecedent in a sentence. The words matched by the student display an understanding that in a sentence a pronoun agrees in gender, number, and person with the closest noun, or antecedent, that precedes it. For example, “My brother broke his arm” matches a third person, singular, and male subject (brother) with a third person, singular, and male possessive pronoun (his).

  3. Student identifies examples of subject-verb agreement. Citing evidence from a text, the student references complete sentences with examples of subject-verb agreement.

  4. Student identifies examples of pronoun-antecedent agreement. Citing evidence from a text, the student references complete sentences with examples of pronoun-antecedent agreement.

  5. Student constructs original sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. The sentences constructed by the student use verbs that agree with the subjects in person and number.

  6. Student constructs original sentences with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement. The sentences constructed by the student use pronouns that agree with the noun they represent in person, number, and gender.
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