Grade 06 ELA - EC: E06.B-V.4.1.1
Grade 06 ELA - EC: E06.B-V.4.1.1
Continuum of Activities
The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.
This continuum of activities offers:
- Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
- Questions/activities that grow in complexity
- Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance
Grade Levels
6th Grade
Course, Subject
English Language Arts
- Using a given content-area textbook and a list of unknown content-area vocabulary, student locates the vocabulary words in the textbook glossary and records the definitions.
- Using a given word list of multisyllabic words, break words into parts by recognizing prefixes, bases and suffixes.
- Produce a poster describing several types of context clues used for determining the meaning of unknown words.
- Produce a flip book of Greek and Latin prefixes.
- Using a given text, identify several unknown words and then consult a dictionary online or in print to determine the meanings.
- Using a given text, isolate the clues within a sentence, paragraph or section of text that help determine or clarify the meaning of a word or phrase.
Answer Key/Rubric
- Student uses given content-area textbook, and finds unknown content-area vocabulary in the glossary and records the definitions. Student understands the glossary traditionally appears at the end of a book and includes newly introduced vocabulary, uncommon and content-specific words. Student understands terms are arranged alphabetically. Student copies unknown vocabulary correctly. Student refers back to the interior text when necessary to understand the term within the context of the sentence.
- Student uses a given word list of multisyllabic words and breaks words into parts by recognizing prefixes, bases and suffixes. Student looks for prefixes and suffixes on each word. Student rewrites the word, with a space between the prefix, base and suffix. Student correctly breaks words in parts.
- Student produces a poster describing several types of context clues used for determining the meaning of unknown words. Student understands that context clues are hints that the author gives a reader to help define an unusual or unknown word. Poster accurately describes several types of context clues and gives an example of the context clue. Student creates sentences that make sense and accurately reflect the strategy. Student knows that punctuation in the form of commas, dashes, semicolons, or parentheses are often used to offset the unknown word. Some types of context clues are:
- Synonyms-His gregarious or friendly way made everyone want to be with him.
- Antonyms-I despise liver, but I love chicken.
- Explanation- “Don’t worry, it’s a trivial matter, it does not matter,” said his mother.
- Example-Her agoraphobia was changing her life quickly. For instance, she rarely saw anyone as she was afraid of public or open spaces.
- Student produces a flip book of Greek and Latin pre-fixes. Each page contains one prefix and its definition along with multiple examples of words with this prefix. Words are illustrated and defined. Student uses a variety of examples including words that are known and words that are unknown, but learning. For example, one page may have the prefix uni- with the definition of one. The student would then have several illustrated examples such as unicycle, uniformity, unify, unilateral, etc., along with the definitions of the word.
- Student uses the given text and identifies several unknown words and then consults a dictionary online or in print to determine the definitions. Student uses the context in which the word is used to choose among possible meanings. Student selects the correct definition and records it.
- Student uses the given text and isolates the clues within a sentence, paragraph or section of text that help determine or clarify the meaning of a word or phrase. Student correctly marks the area in the text which leads to understanding the vocabulary word.