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Grade 04 ELA - EC: E04.D.1.1.3

Grade 04 ELA - EC: E04.D.1.1.3

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance


  1. Identify the modal auxiliaries in a given set of sentences.

  2. Define modal auxiliaries, including when they should be used.
  1. Construct sentences demonstrating proper use of modal auxiliaries.

  2. Determine whether or not each sentence in a given set has a modal auxiliary.
  1. Explain the proper use of modal auxiliaries, citing specific examples.

  2. Critique a set of sentences and revise them to show proper use of modal auxiliaries.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. The student will correctly identify the modal auxiliaries in a given set of sentences that includes a variety of examples with multiple tenses and several different modal auxiliaries.
  1. The student will correctly define modal auxiliaries, and will include several examples of when they are used. Acceptable answers include, but are not limited to
  1. A type of verb used to indicate likelihood, permission, or ability.
  2. A verb used in conjunction with the main verb of a sentence to express conditions.
  1. The student will construct several sentences showing that they understand how and when to use modal auxiliaries to convey conditions. Look for the inclusion of several different modal auxiliaries, their use in different tenses, and for them to be paired with another verb.
  1. The student will classify a set of sentences based on whether or not they contain a modal auxiliary. Present sentences that include a variety of tenses, conditions, and modals to ensure that students understand the concept.
  1. The student will explain the proper use of modal auxiliaries, either in writing or verbally, to demonstrate that they understand when and how to use them. The student will cite specific examples of modal auxiliaries in their explanation. Look for the student to include examples of different modal auxiliaries, various tenses, and a clear, concise explanation of how they are used. Student should be able to explain how the modal auxiliaries convey different conditions of verbs.
  1. The student will critique and revise a given set of sentences to show proper use of modal auxiliaries. Present the student with examples that use modals incorrectly, as well as sentences that can be expressed more clearly and concisely using modals. An example might be editing “I am able to speak Italian.” to read “I can speak Italian.”
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