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Grade 04 ELA - Standard: CC.1.2.4.L

Grade 04 ELA - Standard: CC.1.2.4.L

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance


  1. Recall details from a reading passage and use them to report on what was read.

  2. Determine what a reading is about, by answering the questions who, what, where, when, and why as appropriate.
  1. Summarize the informational or non-fiction text.

  2. Organize the information you learned from the reading selection into a visual representation (e.g. a graph, a Venn diagram, or a chart).
  1. Draw several conclusions about the topic of the reading based on your summary, your visual representation, and your understanding of the topic. Cite evidence from the reading to support your conclusions.

  2. Explain the topic of the reading to another student in terms of the concepts presented in the reading.

Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Student will read a provided non-fiction or informational text, and will recall the details or facts from the reading. The student will use those details to report on the topic, either verbally or in writing. Look for the student to recall most of the relevant details, and to discriminate between the details that are important to the topic and those that are not.

  2. The student will answer the questions who, what, where, why, when about the selection. Look for the student to determine which of those questions are appropriate (some or all may be useful in determining what the selection is about.), and to cite information from the text to answer them.

  3. The student will create a summary of the concepts of the text, either verbally or in writing. The summary should share the main idea and important information from the text. Common errors include retelling the information rather than creating a summary of the concepts presented. Look for the student to be able to share the information in their own words, showing a clear understanding of the topic as it was presented in the reading selection.

  4. The student will organize the information presented in the reading selection into a visual graph or chart. The format will vary depending on the information in the reading, but may take the form of a Venn diagram, a bar graph, a line graph, or another appropriate representation. Look for the student to produce a representation that shows that they understand the material presented on a level that allows them to manipulate it to gain further meaning.

  5. The student will create a written document outlining several conclusions about the topic of the reading. He/she should construct conclusions from the reading, summary, and visual representation. The student should cite examples from the text that support his/her conclusions. Look for the student to generate ideas that move beyond what is explicitly stated in the text.

  6. Working with a peer partner, the student should explain the topic of the reading, in terms of the concepts presented in the reading. The student should display an understanding of the reading that allows him or her to create a clear explanation for the listener. Look for the student to provide an initial explanation, to listen to questions from the listener, and to provide clarification when necessary.
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