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Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.A.2.2.2

Grade 05 Science - EC: S5.A.2.2.2

Continuum of Activities

Continuum of Activities

The list below represents a continuum of activities: resources categorized by Standard/Eligible Content that teachers may use to move students toward proficiency. Using LEA curriculum and available materials and resources, teachers can customize the activity statements/questions for classroom use.

This continuum of activities offers:

  • Instructional activities designed to be integrated into planned lessons
  • Questions/activities that grow in complexity
  • Opportunities for differentiation for each student’s level of performance

Grade Levels

5th Grade

Course, Subject



  1. In your own words write a definition of “technology.”

  2. State 3 functions a calculator can compute or complete.

  3. Think about a time you have strained your eyes to see, possibly in school, at home, or at a large event. Next, consider how your eyesight could have been aided. What tool or tools might you have used to improve your eyesight?

  4. Determine if the statements and scenarios use technology. Write “yes” or “no,” to state your answer.
    1. You recycle a plastic water bottle.
    2. The alarm clock goes off in the morning to wake you up for school.
    3. On your way home from school, you put on sunglasses because it is a sunny day.

  5. Look around the classroom and list 5 pieces of technology in the classroom. For each item, explain its job.
  1. The American Meteorological Society defines a meteorologist as someone "who uses scientific principles to explain, understand, observe, or forecast the earth's atmospheric phenomena and/or how the atmosphere affects the earth and life on the planet." Sometimes, we may refer to them as a weather person. On the local news, we are provided with a variety of information given by a meteorologist.
    Read the following scenarios to determine the scientific tool they use on a regular basis. Try your best to state the tool, and provide a brief description of its function.
  1. The amount of rain fall in a given time period.
  2. The location and tracking of a possible tornedo.
  3. The time the sun rises.
  4. The daily temperature- high and low.
  5. The average temperature in a given season.
  6. Tracking of the moon’s phases.
  1. Zoologists and wildlife biologists study animals and other wildlife and how they interact with their ecosystems. We may find zoologists caring for animals in our local areas. Some of their daily tasks may include the use of scientific tools.
    Read the following scenarios to determine the scientific tool they use on a regular basis. Try your best to state the tool, and provide a brief description of its function.
  1. Penguins prefer their fish frozen when fed.
  2. Tropical plants need to have a specific amount of water per day.
  3. Elephants need 300 pounds (136kg) of food a day.
  4. A chimpanzee mother needs to be examined to check the baby she is carrying.
  5. A vulture was rescued from the wild, but is suspected to have a broken wing.
  1. Solve the following word problem without using a calculator.

Word problem: A classroom experiment needs 4 small washers, 3 medium washers, and 2 small washers. The students also need a graduated cylinder, a cup of water, and string. There are 6 tables of 5 students in the classroom, and students will be working in pairs. How many total washers will the teacher have to gather for the entire class?

  1. Now, solve or check your answer with a calculator. Use the word problem from above.

  2. Work with a partner. One person will write a 6 sentence paragraph justifying why students should be allowed the use of a calculator, and the other person will justify solving without a calculator.

  3. When all paragraphs have been shared at your table, take a survey tallying how many students agree the use of a calculator is more efficient than. Report your table’s tally on the front board. Then we will discuss the classroom findings.

  1. Choose a field of science, and a specific scientific career such as a biologist, astronomer, chemist, naturalist, oceanographer, etc. Use the teacher directed online resource if you need more assistance.

Research the field. Focus on answering the question: “How does technology extends and enhances human abilities for a specific occupation?”

Use the following outline to help you organize your research results.

Paragraph 1: explain and describe the occupation
Paragraph 2: detail 1 piece of technology they utilize and a description of its use
Paragraph 3: detail a second piece of technology they utilize and a description of its use
Paragraph 4: conclude how the technology extends and enhances human abilities for that specific occupation, and how does it relate to you?


Answer Key/Rubric

  1. Student describes technology as making tasks easier with tool(s)

  2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, etc.

  3. Answers may include, but are not limited to: binoculars, glasses, contacts, laser eye correction, magnification glass

  4. Answers should read:
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes

  5. Student responses will vary. Some answers may include, but are not limited to: projector, lighting, pencil sharpener, calculator, computer
  1. Student answers may vary, some include, but are not limited to:
    1. Meter stick/ruler to measure
    2. Radar to track location
    3. Clock/timer to measure time
    4. Thermometer to measure temperature
    5. Calculator to predict averages from season to season
    6. Telescope to predict patterns

  2. Student answers may vary. Some include, but are not limited to:
    1. Thermometer – measure temperature
    2. Measuring cup- measure liquid
    3. Scale – measure mass
    4. Ultrasound- see internal organs
    5. X- ray- see bones

    1. 4 + 3 + 2 = 9 washers, 30/2 = 15 pairs, 15 x 9 = 135 total washers
    2. Student works with calculator
    3. Rubric

  1. Teacher will organize discussion
  1. Suggested Rubric: This rubric may be used to assess a student’s overall mastery of the standard or eligible content:

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