Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT)
Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) are based on content assessed by the Keystone Exams and the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA). Although not a predictor for PSSA and Keystone Exam performance, CDTs provide a snapshot on why and how students may still be struggling or exceeding grade and/or course Eligible Content. The CDT data, along with other data, informs instruction in a timely and efficient manner.
- Available for use in the classroom throughout the school year on a voluntary basis.
- Provide real-time results, ensuring valid and reliable measures, of students’ skills with links to Materials and Resources in SAS.
- Highlight student strengths and areas of need thus becoming part of the discussions between teachers, parents/ guardians, and students to set individual learning goals.
To access enrollment information and other documents for the Classroom Diagnostic Tools, please visit: .
General Information
Parent Resources
CDT Skills Pamphlets
CDT Student Metacognition Templates
Assessment Resources