PA Roadmap: Focus on Effective Instruction
Educators know that there are students who require support in addressing unfinished learning from prior grades. Since time is a scarce commodity in classrooms, strategic instructional choices about which content to prioritize must occur.
The three sets of documents below offer instructional supports:
- Classroom Quick Tips: Instruction, Assessment, and Time Management
Each 1-page document offers easily doable instructional, assessment, and classroom/time management strategies – offering general strategies, ELA-, and math-specific suggestions for implementation. - Academic Strategies
Using the key concepts in the left-hand column, educators can complete a self-check for current instructional and assessment practices. After identifying areas of need, the right-hand column offers specific strategies/resources that may strengthen the selected concepts.
General Classroom Strategies
ELA Academic Strategies: K-12
Mathematics Academic Strategies: K-12
Academic Strategies