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Career Readiness

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Are your students READY for their future?

Pennsylvania’s economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce that is prepared to meet the current and projected demands of a global, knowledge-based 21st century economy.

  • Do you have the classroom resources to help students achieve their goals?
  • Are your students engaged in meaningful activities to support their career portfolios?
  • What opportunities are available for you and your students to expand knowledge of the 21st century workplace?
  • Do your students have a post-secondary pathway for success?

The Teacher in the Workplace (TIW) experience enables educators to make learning connections in the classroom to prepare students for postsecondary success.

Through the TIW model, teachers build stakeholder relationships that perpetuate future career connections and work-based learning experiences for both teachers and students. In addition, the implementation of curriculum aligned to industry needs feeds into the workforce pipeline with students who are career ready for postsecondary success.

Browse the SAS-showcase TIW grant recipients below to gain a better understanding of the process and value of TIW.

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