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Pre-K - 3

In the context of every day routines and within intentionally designed opportunities, teachers of young children have the awesome task of providing rich information and experiences to build skills and understanding. The Standards Aligned System provides teachers with connected tools to provide these rich experiences that engage learners in the here-and-now and prepare them for future learning.

  • Clear Standards
    • The PA Academic Standards currently offer Pre-K - 3 Academic Standards in Reading/Writing/Speaking/Listening and mathematics.

      OCDEL's Early Learning Standards for Pennsylvania were revised to connect directly with the 3rd-12th grade standards to make clear the connections between current classroom practices and future expectations. Recognizing that young children learn best from authentic experiences, the revised standards include an emphasis on play experiences. Teaching young children also focuses on laying foundations for later learning through intentional development of thinking skills and approaches to learning; therefore, the revised standards include an emphasis on cognitive processes. The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) materials are more specific in terms of daily instructional purposes. These early learning standards include strands, competencies, and exemplars. To view and download this booklet, go to

      Additional information specific to the education of Pennsylvania's youngest learners is available at This site includes developmentally and culturally appropriate information under each of the components of SAS and provides information on best practices for working with young learners. It also includes resources for partnering with families which are integral to promoting student achievement.

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