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DEP’s Environmental Education Grants Program is accepting applications through November 15, 2024


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) 2025 Environmental Education Grants Program is accepting applications through November 15, 2024.  Projects must be implemented during the period July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.  Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis.


Funding priority will be given to environmental education projects that engage people living, working and/or attending school within Environmental Justice (EJ) areas in topics related to Climate Change and/or Water. Use the DEP PennEnviroScreen to determine if the project will engage audiences within designated EJ areas.


Awards range from up to $5,000 for local projects to $30,000 for regional or statewide initiatives.  Additionally, proposals that meet the General Grant Level II requirements (Engaging students and teachers from at least 60 Pennsylvania counties at three levels, local, state, and national; AND at least 30% of the audience lives, works or attends school within an EJ area) may be awarded up to $65,000. 


The 2025 Environmental Education Grants Manual and other pertinent information is available at Environmental Education Grants. The Environmental Education Grants Program has supported a wide range of activities from tours and workshops to hands-on field experiences and action projects. Go to 2024 EE Grant Awards for a listing of projects that were awarded funding in Spring 2024.


A free 2025 Environmental Education Grants Program webinar will be held  on October 10, 2024 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm.  DEP staff will provide proposal tips and instructions for completing required application forms.  The program will conclude with a Q&A session.  Registration by September 30, 2024 is required:  2025 EE Grants Program Webinar Registration.


Questions may be directed to: RA‑

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