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Pennsylvania Department of Education is asking for your feedback on proposed research questions for a grant application.

PDE previously partnered with Mathematica, Inc. on an Institute of Education Science (IES), National Center for Education Research (NCER) grant (Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Recovery Policymaking Assistance Listing Number (ALN): 84.305S) that revealed that Pennsylvania’s math proficiency rates in grades 5-8 fell from 38 percent in 2019 to an estimated 25 percent in 2021, after adjusting for nonrepresentative test participation; and that remote learning appeared to contribute to achievement declines during the pandemic with more negative effects in math than in ELA, and larger in schools with higher levels of economic disadvantage. Pennsylvania is committed to helping all students recover from the pandemic, and particularly those most heavily impacted by it.

PDE, in partnership with Mathematica, is resubmitting an application to the same grant program in August. The research proposed will build on prior findings to inform recovery efforts, describe variation in student achievement, and examine the strategies that LEAs are using in math to help improve secondary and postsecondary achievement outcomes for student post COVID-19, especially historically disadvantaged groups.  Please review the following documents if you would like to participate.


Grant Support Letter 7-9-24.docx
Letter of Agreement - PDE Advisory Group Participant.docx


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