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2023 Thanksgiving Weekend Impaired Driving Prevention November 22-26, 2023


Thanksgiving is just around the corner. As we prepare for festivities with family and friends, we want to remind all drivers of the dangers of impaired driving.  As educators, we are asking for your support in getting the message out to be responsible during the Thanksgiving holiday and every day.

Impaired driving, (buzzed and drugs) prevention campaign materials can be found below.    

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving

You have to choose your role before drinking begins: will you drink, or will you drive? Remember, even if you just had one drink and you think you are "okay to drive", you could still be driving impaired.

Click here for impaired driving prevention (buzzed) campaign materials.

If you Feel Different, You Drive Different.

Drug-impaired driving is also a problem on our nation's highways. Like drunk driving, drug-impaired driving is also impaired driving. So, whether legally or illegally obtained, driving under the influence of drugs poses a threat to the driver, vehicle passengers, and other road users.

Click here for impaired driving prevention (drugs) campaign materials.

Thank you for your proactive support in the Thanksgiving impaired driving prevention initiative.


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