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2022 Pennsylvania Statewide Environmental Education Survey


You are invited to respond to the 2022 Status and Needs of Environmental Education in PA Survey  - a survey designed to assess the current status and needs of environmental education (EE) in Pennsylvania. 

This survey is an initiative of the NOAA-funded Pennsylvania Environmental Literacy Capacity Building Project. Survey questions are based on job responsibility, with specific sections for classroom teachers, school administrators, and non-formal environmental education organizations. The results will help guide support for environmental education through deliberate actions across the state.

The survey is focused on understanding statewide organizations and schools engaged in teaching and learning about the environment.  Your response is much appreciated! A high response rate from the 500+ environmental education provider organizations, 500 PA school districts, and 200+ private and parochial schools is needed to inform decision-making, professional development, and programming to successfully build the capacity of environmental education across Pennsylvania. 

To participate in this statewide survey, please click the link here:  The survey will be open through March 31, 2022.


Five randomly selected respondents will receive MacroInvertebrate Life Stages ID cards to support their educational program. 

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