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Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) and the PA Pathways to Green Schools Recognition Awards


In an effort to boost environmental preservation and strengthen environmental education in the commonwealth, the Wolf Administration is encouraging schools and colleges to apply for the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) and the PA Pathways to Green Schools recognition awards.

Green Ribbon School nominees must show progress in the following areas:

  • Pillar 1: reducing environmental impacts, such as waste, water, greenhouse gases, and transportation
  • Pillar 2: improving health and wellness with consideration to air quality, lighting, thermal comfort, school nutrition, and outdoor physical activity
  • Pillar 3: effective environmental and sustainability education that emphasizes hands-on, real-world learning, civic engagement, STEM connections, and green career preparation. 

Schools  may  also  qualify for a PA Pathways to Green School Recognition by completing one or more pillars, as described above.

Access the online application for the Green Ribbon Schools  and PA  Pathways to Green Ribbon Recognition awards.  Deadline for applications is February 5, 2022.

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