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PDE Welcomes Career and Technical Advisor Raina Haubert


Raina Haubert, PDE’s newly appointed Specialized Career and Technical Advisor for Trade and Industry, comes to the position with eleven years of experience, including teaching secondary Computer Aided Drafting and Design and STEM courses and co-advising the school’s Technology Student Association. In her high school years, she attended a Career and Technical School for drafting while working part-time in her father’s autobody shop. Upon graduation, she served in the United States Marine Corps for eight years, with two of those years as a military training instructor. After her enlistment, she attended college and worked as a Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) Technician/Designer for Gannett Fleming and later Dawood Engineering. Even after she became a full-time teacher, she continued to work in industry part-time as a CADD technician.

Raina’s position is designed to lead and direct statewide efforts to develop, improve and expand career and technical education programs through the development of career and technical education policy, standards, curricula, and program guidelines as related to Trade and Industry clusters.

Raina invites you to join her newly created SAS Professional Learning Community:  CTE Trade and Industry PLC.  This PLC is designed to provide information and resources to support teachers in delivering effective instruction.  Resources include curriculum, grant information, and current trends/research related to instruction. Teacher are encouraged to add lesson plans and any resource material that would benefit others.

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