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Addressing Education of English Learners (EL): Virtual Office Hours


In an effort to respond to concerns about the education of English Learners (ELs) in this unprecedented time, PDE is scheduling a series of online “office hours” meetings. These meetings will serve as an opportunity for the Department of Education to clarify policies and procedures related to the education of ELs, to answer specific questions from the field, and to allow district personnel to network and support each other. Questions may be submitted prior to or during the meeting.

These meetings are intended for district-level coordinators and/or administrators who oversee language instruction educational programs (LIEPs).  The maximum participant limit for each meeting is 35 ensures that everyone is able to participate. PDE  will schedule these meetings each week until it determines that there is no longer a demand for them. 

Since participation is limited, and it is important that everyone has an opportunity to attend, please be respectful of your colleagues across the Commonwealth and do NOT register for more than one meeting unless you are invited to do so by Department staff. Please note that Act 48 credits will not be awarded for participation in these meetings and they will not be recorded.

Visit the Professional Learning page of the ESL Portal to view sessions and register:

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