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Online Learning Opportunity: Prenatal to Third Grade


Pennsylvania’s Prenatal to Third Grade (P3) Systems Building Logic Model is designed to support OCDEL’s mission of providing families access to high quality services to prepare children for school and life success. When early learning settings are implemented with attention to quality and are intentionally aligned to one another, all children, including those lacking opportunity, benefit. Comprehensive P3 approaches hold incredible potential to dramatically change the path of opportunity gaps and to set young children on solid pathways to educational and lifelong success.

The Bureau of Policy and Professional Development has developed the following asynchronous courses as companion resources to The Pennsylvania P3 Systems Building Logic Model:

  • Understand Context Overview (FREE)
  • Understanding Context: The Health and Managed Care Organizations System in PA (FREE)
  • Understanding Context: The Public Education System in PA (FREE)
  • Understanding Context: The Home Visiting System in PA (FREE)
  • Grant Writing 101 ($5)
  • P3 Systems Thinking (FREE)
  • An Introduction to Pennsylvania’s Family Engagement Framework (FREE)
  • Transition Across the Early Learning Continuum (FREE)

 Access these courses in the PD Registry in the training calendar.

Questions? Contact Barry Wiestling at

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