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Teacher in the Workplace Grant Opportunity


The Teacher in the Workplace (TIW) program provides the opportunity for eligible organizations in partnership with their Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) to develop and/or implement TIW programs that connect the classroom to the workplace for K-12 educators in Pennsylvania.

Through the TIW program, teachers, counselors and administrators are provided experiences interacting directly with industry and business leaders to learn about industry trends, needs and opportunities to enhance their classroom instruction, student learning and career readiness.

Stakeholders may apply to either or both of two distinct grant opportunities:

  • Targeted Grants (led by PDE) are structured to meet the needs of LEAs and their schools that have not participated in TIW professional development experiences and/or have limited career readiness experiences available to educators and students.
  • Advancing Grants (led by the PA Department of Labor and Industry) promote sustained business partnerships with educators and transform instruction for students through systemic changes in programs of study.

Access the TIW grant information and application.  Deadline to apply for a Targeted Grant is November 20, 2019. The Advancing TIW grant deadline is December 23, 2019.

To learn more about career readiness and Teacher in the Workplace, check out the Career Readiness Toolkit.

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